PARADISE FOR ALL MANKIND..All humans are brothers and sisters.This was the Motto of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu Alahi Wasallam. He even cried at the death of a Jew. We are his ummati Our concern should be same. To start from ourself reform, family,locality,country to whole mankind till the day of Judgment. Dawah is very effective tool for our correction also.Our success for life here and Hereafter THE LIFE AFTER DEATH is in obeying commands of Allah and following Path of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH)
Temperament of Daee: Important for correct Manhaj of Dawah,Prophet Muhammad SAW and Highway Robbers
Taken from the book Priceless Advice by Maulana Saad Sb of Bangle Wali Masjid Translated by Maulana Sulaiman Katani Sb. Book is available for download.Just do Googling by keyword Priceless Advice. May Allah give taufeeq for Amal