
Tablighi Jamaat and Tasawwuf/Sufism an internet Debate topic, its Pattern,Discussion and Understanding

Once one elder (Professor............ Sb) said in Mashwara that People thinking/Ideas diversity are like roaming bird........They may roam even from Siberia Russia to Bharatpur Rajasthan in India (one species of bird do it every year)...........

It is exactly true....................

With respect to Tablighi Jamaat and Tasawwuf.
On internet you will find  2 group of people 

1. One Group will leave hundred and thousands of good and merits and benefit of Tasawwuf ..........

and will leave hundred of thousands of Good Sufis like Imam Hasan Basri, Abdul Qadir Jeelani,Mujaddid Al Fathani  Shah Waliullah, Shah Ismaeel Shaheed
,Maroof Karkhi,Ibraheem bin Odham Rahmatullah Alaihim Ajmaeen........and countless other.............

What they will count ???????????????
count certain innovative rituals,thought,and innovation...on the name of tasawwuf..........and some deviated people ...............ON THE NAME OF SUFIS.........


2.THEN WILL RELATE tasawwuf with Tablighi Jamaat .......
3.Will pass judgment on Tableeghi Jamaat as .....Sufi Tableeghi are Deviated........and will add all words of Shirk.....kufr....corrupt .....and any word of their choice.........
Just Pray for these people and group ......Leave the matter to Allah........Allah is all seeing and best Judge.
Tabligh has taken the good things of science of Tasawwuf.
These things are core of Islam. Quran and Hadith is full of these things.

Some of them are.

1.Having strong faith on Allah,Only he to be considered as Rab,all type of worship only for Allah.

2.You have to follow Full Shariah and sunnah that is path of Hazarat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. There is no escape from it.

3.Seeking Ilm e Nafae.

4.Remembering Allah all the Time.

5.To fulfill obligation of Allah Makhlooq.

6.Sincerity of Intention. 

7.Calling Mankind towards Allah 

( e.g India Pakistan Bangladesh is very good example of Work done by Soofi. 

Dont be confused that Islam in India is because of Muslim Ruler.......No ..please correct your history knowledge (Read Savior of Islamic Sprit vol 3&4 for detail history)...

.Islam spreaded in India Pakistan Bangladesh it is because of these Sufia Mujaddid Alfasanai Rahimullah,Hazrat Minuddeen chishti Rahimullah, Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Rahimullah.......In Kashmeer Sheikh Hamdan Rahimullah.........They all were Soofi and having all above mentioned Qualities. 

So Allah accepted them and some approx 50 crore Muslims are result of these Sufia Karam.
Tablighi Jamaat has included all these Qualities in its six Quality.


(Although very less in number) Some brothers because of lack of knowledge at times compare.........


BROTHER/SISTER..............There is no comparison

Tabligh Jamaat is just work/effort of tabligh. Tasawwuf is a science. A comparison between the two is like comparing Tabligh Jamaat to Tajweed, or Tabligh Jamaat to Fiqh.............

Tasawwuf is the science dedicated towards improving the state of heart to such an extent that nothing other than Allah exists in the heart.

The Qur'an says, in Surat Maryam, 
"Surely We have revealed the Remembrance, and surely We shall preserve it" (Qur'an 15:9), 
Then He says, 
"And those who believe are greater in love for Allah" (Qur'an 2:165), 

Hadith of Jibraeel in Bukhari and Muslim say......

.................he said, "Now tell me about the perfection of faith (Ihsan)," and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) answered: "It is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you see Him not, He nevertheless sees you." .............(Sahih Muslim, 1.37: hadith 8).................................

Many more Ayats and Ahadith are there for different aspect of Tasawwuf/Tazkia /Ihsan.

When a person has managed to expel all other than Allah from the heart, and has implanted the perpetual zikr of Allah in the heart, then the iklhaas and the acceptability of his deeds reaches a different level altogether. 

At that stage the barakah that emanates from his actions will be unmatched by others who have not been able to reach the same degree of ikhlaas, love for, and perpetual zikr of Allah.
One only has to look at the training undergone by the recent Mujaddids whose work has touched and transformed millions of people, such as Mujaddid Alf Thani,Shah Waliullah, Maulana Ilyas Khandlewi, to understand the reason why Allah placed so much Barakah in every action they took. 

Their hearts attained such a stage of purity that everything they touched turned to gold. 

Others may put deeni effort under the same conditions for a thousand years without being able to achieve the same results. 

The state of the heart determines the level of divine acceptance by Allah of all deeds......

(To be continued Insha Allah..........)