إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Hazrat Maulana Zubair ul hasan sb has died on 18th March around 11:00 AM in RML hospital,New Delhi
May Allah SWT forgive him, grant him the highest rank in Jannah give sabr to his family members. And Allah give us Best replacement (bahtareen Naemul badal ).
The journey of a Muslim believer (soul) after death
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَنَبْلُوكُمْ بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ (الأنبياء: 35
“Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good, and to Us you will be returned.” Quran (Surah Al-Anbiya:21)However, the return of every soul to the afterlife shall depend on its state of righteousness in this world. To the pious believers, it will be said (as stated in the Quran):
يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ (الفجر: 27).
ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً (الفجر: 28).
فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي (الفجر: 29).
وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي (الفجر: 30).
27. (It will be said to the pious): “O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction!.
28. “Come back to your Lord well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing (unto Him)!.
29. “Enter you then among My (honored) slaves,.
30. “And enter you My Paradise!”
Maut-ul-Alim, Maut-ul-Alam (Death of a scholar is a loss to the whole Universe)
He talk used to be Full of Akhlaqiat , manner, etiquette, Maashrat and remeberance of Akhirah the eternal life after death.
May Allah SWT give him place in Janat-ul-firdaus (amin)..
Below urdu tassurat has been shared by Brother Naveed Saif18 March 2014 02:19 . It is being reproduced with thanks from http://nizamuddinbayanaat.blogspot.in/2013/03/hazrath-maulana-zubair-ul-hassan-sahabdb.html
(م ن س)
Bayaan for Senior Workers in the Bengal Jor at Markaz Nizamuddin (11032014)
● This effort [of tabligh] will not progress through acting by experience, but
rather by adopting the ways of the Sahaba (RD)
● Those involved in tabligh have begun to view studying the lives of the
Sahaba (RD) to be of less importance and have popularized speeches,
mashwara, and programmes in its place
● Hazratji Mawlana Ilyas (ra) would say that a speech or discussion that
does not instill an awareness of Allah is nothing but pleasure for the ears
● Hazrat Mawlana Yusuf arranged Muntakhab Ahadith so that workers
would not be free to explain the 6 principles according to their own whims
and so that there would be no misinformation in their explanation
● Ignorance is that a person narrates whatever he hears or has been told.
Such a person has been labeled a liar in the hadith. These days, it’s
become common for people to say, “We have heard…” When asked for a
reference, though, they are unable to give one and even struggle to tell you
whom they heard it from
● Hazrat Mawlana Yusuf would say that when a da’ee takes the work of
da’wah lightly, he will be affected by tribulations with no solution. An example
of such a tribulation would be that he will leave the work of da’wah
● The purpose of gasht is to bring the ummah to fara’id, because it is only
through the practice of fara’id that one can be saved from apostasy
● The da’ee should make it necessary upon himself to pray tahajjud. I tell
you no help [from Allah] comes without tahajjud
● If a person is not inclined towards the worship of Allah, he risks falling into
istidraj. Istidraj is when a person goes astray, but continues to belive that he
is on the right path
● The reason for disagreement among saathis is a lack of connection with
Allah and a decrease in the degree of dhikr, worship, and tahajjud
● Hazratji would say that Islam will be ruined by the Muslims and da’wah will
be ruined by the da’ees
● Before and after work, we should engage in ta’lim daily so that we develop
a realization that is not our profession that sustains us but rather Allah that
sustains us
● The purpose of ta’lim is not to bring about eagerness for good deeds, but
rather to create confidence in Allah’s promises. [It is important to understand
this] otherwise one may begin to feel that there is no need to attend ta’lim
once this eagerness is developed
● The reason for ignorance amongst da’ees today is a lack of association
with ‘ulama. Understand that [attending] the gatherings of the ‘ulama is a
form of worship and consider it necessary upon yourself
● All of the different branches of deen are branches of nubuwwah; da’wah
should not conflict with imamah, teaching, or any other branch
● Da’wah is here particularly to create a thirst for knowledge and not to
prepare a group of people that do no other work except da’wah
● Da’wah is to advance the ummah with ilm and dhikr such that ignorance is
● An important objective of da’wah is that there be an increase in those
seeking knowledge through the help of da’ees
● I believe it to be a matter of joy that there be an increase in those sitting in
circles of knowledge and tafsir and learning necessary masa’il
● Our speeches and discussions should be free of any statement that would
conflict with another field of deen. All fields are part of deen
● Most of the ahadith in Muntakhab Ahadith are under the topic of ‘Respect’.
Hazrat Mawlana Yusuf’s aim was to give those involved in tabligh a proper
understanding of the rights of Muslims
● Just as Allah has no need for us, the work of deen has no need for us
● Our purpose is to attain the acceptance of Allah. What need do we have for
the support of His creation?
● Hazratji Mawlana Yusuf would say that even if the du’as, worship, and
efforts of those involved in da’wah & tabligh were to reach the throne of
Allah, His help would not descend until and unless they unite
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