
Sunnah of Sewak Miswak Teeth cleaning stick

Using Sewak (Teeth Cleaning Stick)

There are several times in which a Muslim may use Sewak at day and night: 

The Prophet – Peace be upon him – said: (Were it not for avoiding inflicting difficulties on my nation, I would have ordered them to use Sewak upon the performance of each prayer)
Narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim. 

The total times of using Sewak by the Muslim at the day and night is not less than (20) times. The Muslim uses Sewak :

-Upon performing the five prayers, the regular Sunnah prayers, Ad-Doha (Morning) prayer, Al-Wetr Prayer (i.e. ending prayer with odd Raka'a – prostration – at night).

- Upon entering the house, because the first thing performed by the Prophet – Peace be upon him – when he enters his house is using the Sewak, as narrated by Aisha – May Allah be pleased with her – in Sahih Muslim. So, every time you enter your house use Sewka in order to apply the Sunnah.

-Upon reading the Holy Quran, for changing the smell of the mouth.

- Upon waking up.

- Upon making ablution (Wudhou'). The Prophet – Peace be upon him – said: (The Sewak cleans the mouth and causes the pleasure of Allah the Almighty) Narrated by Ahmad.

The benefit of applying this Sunnah: 

a) Gaining the pleasure of Allah the Almighty.

b) Cleaning the mouth.