
Saeed Anwar talk how Saqlain Mushtaq turned to Islam through Dawat o Tabligh

Anwar said his talk that he was able to convince Saqlain Mushtaq

to spend half a day with the Jamat, offering prayers in mosque and taking a round of one's own residential area and calling the people to prayers (which is called gasht in Tabligh parlance).

Saqlain joined us after Friday prayers. We had food and after a session of religious teachings we asked Saqlain to do the gasht in his residential area and call people to offer prayers.

In the company of religious scholars later, Saqlain offered obligatory prayers, listened to the sermons, had dinner with group, offered Isha prayers and went to sleep.

"The next morning Saqlain came to me and said, 'What was this dose that you gave me last night?' 

Earlier I used
to toss in bed all night and would not be able to sleep till 8 in the morning. I needed sleeping pills. What dose did you give me? I slept after Isha prayers and just woke up. And I feel damn hungry, get me some food...."

Saqlain's life changed that morning.

He took that course for three days. Ten days later, he came back and asked to spend three more days in the Jamat, Anwar said.

Tabligh Jamat has been their job for the last 40 years. The jamat exhorts non-practicing Muslims to reckon the importance of worshipping Allah, understand the teachings of Islam, implement them in one's life and propagate Islam among non-muslims.

Anwar explained how Saqlain's inclination toward his Faith was met with a furor in his family, especially his wife.

But later things changed....and now Saqlain's wife wears a Hijab.

My father, who was a practicing Muslim but used to listen music etc., now he has changed too. My mother who was initially furious about my father attends Jamats (religious conclaves), later transformed herself and Allah has guided her to the right path....she now wears complete Hijab....and my three sisters, brother-in-law, two maternal uncles and five paternal uncles have returned to the Straight Path as well, Anwar said.

Before my travel for the Haj, Saqlain visited me and said he and his wife would be attending religious seminar together. If people work for the cause of Allah, He makes ways for them to gain ground and audience, Anwar said.