
Some detail answer on Fazail e Amaal

1. Asslamo Allaikum,

Below is Hadeeth no seven in Chapter two of the book, Fazail-e-Aamaal

In Arabic Hadhrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariyya (RA) writes before the beginning of the Hadeeth

“قال بعضھم ورد فی الحدیث “

Some say that it has occurred in the Hadeeth…

1) So he is clearly illustrating the doubtful nature of the the Hadeeth (In Arabic)

2) He also doesn’t mention any chain of transmission for the Hadeeth further hinting to its weakness

3) And then he clearly says in plain language in URDU, Eminent theologians like Ibn Hajr, Abu Laith Samarqandi (Rahmatullah alaihim), and others, have mentioned this hadith in their books. Although I have not been able to trace the text in original books on hadith, yet other hadiths, some of which have already been mentioned and some are to follow, corroborate its meaning….

Salafees ran over to Shaykh Bin-Baaz (RA) & he turned around and issued a very strong worded Fatwa about a scholar who mentions this Hadeeth in this book…little did Shaykh Bin-Baaz (RA) know that Imam Dhahabi (RA) relates the same Hadeeth in Kitabul-Kabair with the words

“قد ورد فی الحدیث”

It has occurred in a Hadeeth….And nothing else and no more explanation…

To top it off Imam Dhahabi (RA) says about this Hadeeth in Meezanul-Aitidaal "Hadha Hadeeth Baatil" and still uses it in his Kitabul-Kabair

Salafees have this Hadeeth plastered all over the web in Objections to Fazail-e-Aamaal; they should honestly ask themselves about Ibn Hajr (Haitami) (RA), Imam Dhahabi (RA) and Aby Layth Samarqandi (RA) before objecting to Shaykh Maulana Zakariyya (RA).

I mean take a look at Imam Dhahabi (RA)'s words...Subhanullah! Is there no justice in this world?

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It is said in a hadith that, Allah bestows five favours on a person who is mindful of his salaat, viz: His daily bread is made easy for him; he is saved from the punishments in the grave; he shall receive his record in his right hand on the Day of Judgement; he shall cross the Siraat with the speed of lightning and he shall enter Paradise without reckoning. As for him who neglects his salaat, he shall meet five types of punishments in this world, three at the time of death, three in the grave and three after resurrection.

Those in this world are: he is not blessed in life; he is deprived of the light with which the faces of the righteous are endowed; he receives no rewards for his good practices; his. prayers are not answered; and he has no share in the prayers of the pious. Those at the time of death are: he dies disgracefully; he dies hungry; he dies in thirst; which the water in the oceans of the world cannot quench.

Those in the grave are: He is so squeezed there that the ribs of one side penetrate into the ribs of the other side; fire is burnt inside for him and he is rolled on cinders day and night; a serpent with fiery eyes and iron nails equal in length to a day's journey is let loose on him and shouts with a thundering voice, 'My Lord has charged me with thrashing you till sunrise for neglecting Fajr, till Asr for neglecting Zuhur, till sunset for neglecting Asr, till Ishaa for neglecting Maghrib and till dawn for neglecting Ishaa. The serpent will keep on thrashing him thus till the Last Day. Each blow pushes him to a depth of seventy arm's length. The punishments will last till the Day of Judgement.

Those after resurrection are: His reckoning will be a hard one; Allah will be angry with him; and he will be thrown into the Fire. According to one report, he will have following three lines inscribed on his forehead: '0 you who neglected Allah's duty' '0 you who has deserved Allah's wrath.' 'Now despair of Allah's mercy, as you neglected our duty to Allah.'

Asslamo Allaikum,

Allahu A'alam about Imam Dhahabi (RA) not authoring it, I would like to see some evidence for that!

In that case the same argument goes for Ibn Hajr[*] (RA) and Abu Layth Samarqandi (RA) as far as Hadhrat Shaykh (RA) is concerned he has made the words very clear in plain Urdu (see point 3)
[*] Salafees have further accused Hazrat Shaykh of deception by saying that he has said Hafiz Ibn Haj'r (RA) and by this he means Ibn Hajr Makki (RA) and not Ibn Hajr Asqalani (RA) ...the answer to that are:

1) Hazrat Shaykh (RA) has not said Ibn Hajr Asqalani (RA) anywhere and he has said Hafidh Ibn Hajr (RA)...they were both Hafidh!

2) If he wanted to deceive people he wouldn't have said point 3! Why would he plainly say that he has been unable to find the Hadeeth in plain Urdu and then deceive people by dropping the last name?

Lastly, Salafee say about errors of Shaykh Bin-Baaz (RA), Albani (RA) that they have passed away and we should have Husn Dhun of them and make excuses for them. Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) said this to Dr Buti when he exposed the errors of AlKajnadi (RA) in the Kurras...Shaykh Al-Albani (RA) said to Dr Buti (RA):

1) AlKajnadi (RA) wasn't an Arab so his writing isn't clear

2) AlKajnadi (RA) has passed away so excuses should be made for him...


Why one rule for their Ulama and another for others???

Asslamo Allaikum,

Went back and checked the book which has been updated by a Salafi Shaykh and no such thing is mentioned that the attribution to Imam Dhahabi (RA) is dubious.

Moreover after mentioning the Hadeeth the foot-note says, "This Hadeeth is fabricated according to Imam Suyuti" and nothing else!

So in case of Imam Dhahabi a simple comment and move on, In Case of Shaykhul-Hadeeth Maulana Zakariyya (RA), mountain out of a molehill!

Please note that I havn't even mentioned Imam Suyuti (RA), I have been mentioning Imam Dhahabi (RA) and the Hadeeth is definitely there.

What is also to note here is that Imam Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) came much later and the question still remains:

1) If the Hadeeth was fabricated according to Imam Dhahabi (RA) why would he incude it without hinting towards it?

محمد بن عثمان الذهبي

ترك الصلاة

وقد ورد في الحديث إن من حافظ على الصلوات المكتوبة أكرمه الله تعالى بخمس كرامات يرفع عنه ضيق العيش وعذاب القبر ويعطيه كتابه بيمينه ويمر على الصراط كالبرق الخاطف ويدخل الجنة بغير حساب ومن تهاون بها عاقبه الله بخمس عشرة عقوبة خمس في الدنيا وثلاث عند الموت وثلاث في القبر وثلاث عند خروجه من القبر فأما اللاتي في الدنيا فالأولى ينزع البركة من عمره والثانية يمحي سيماء الصالحين من وجهه والثالثة كل عمل يعمله لا يأجره الله عليه والرابعة لا يرفع له دعاء إلى السماء والخامسة ليس له حظ في دعاء الصالحين وأما اللاتي تصيبه عند الموت فإنه يموت ذليلا والثانية يموت جائعا والثالثة يموت عطشانا ولو سقي بحار الدنيا ما روي من عطشه وأما اللاتي تصيبه في قبره فالأولى يضيق عليه قبره حتى تختلف فيه أضلاعه والثانية يوقد عليه القبر نارا يتقلب على الجمر ليلا ونهارا والثالثة يسلط عليه في قبره ثعبان اسمه الشجاع الأقرع عيناه من نار وأظفاره من حديد طول كل ظفر مسيرة يوم يكلم الميت فيقول أنا الشجاع الأقرع وصوته مثل الرعد القاصف يقول أمرني ربي أن أضربك على تضييع صلاة الصبح إلى طلوع الشمس وأضربك على تضييع صلاة الظهر إلى العصر وأضربك على تضييع صلاة العصر إلى المغرب وأضربك على تضييع صلاة المغرب إلى العشاء وأضربك على تضييع صلاة العشاء إلى الصبح فكلما ضربه ضربة يغوص في الأرض سبعين ذراعا فلا يزال في الأرض معذبا إلى يوم القيامة