
Importance of good manners Etiquettes Adab Ahadith on it

Good Manners Adaab and etiquettes

1.It is related by Abdullah Ibne Amr radhiyallahu anhu that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “The best of you are those who possess the best of manners.”
Bukhaari and Muslim

2.Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu related to us that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “Muslims who possess better morals are the most perfect in Faith”.
Abu Dawood and Daarami

3.It is related by Abu Dardaa radhiyallahu anhu, that the Apostle of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: “On the Day of Reckoning, the most weighty item in the Scales of Deeds will be good manners”.
Abu Dawood and Tirmizi

It would not be correct to assume from the above Traditions that good morals were even superior to faith or the principal tenets like Imaan, Salaat, Sawm(fasting), Zakaat and Hajj. All good manners will be acceptable only after Imaan.And Obligatory Faraez cannot be underestimated. The Holy Companions to whom these sayings were directly addressed had already learnt from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that among the various branches of Islaam, the most important were Imaan (faith) and, then, came the fundamental duties. As for the rest of the departments of religious life, the place of moral virtues, undoubtedly, is very high, and in the attainment of success and salvation in After-life and the gaining of the countenance of the Lord, their significance is beyond question.