
Maulana Tariq Jameel Bayan talk qualities of one of greatest Daee Caller to Islam Taqreer Analysis

Maulana Tariq Jameel Sb is one of the most dedicated and Popular Daee e Islam of the present era. 
His talks are very Popular.Allah has blessed him with so many qualities.

1. His talk on Greatness of Allah is heart melting and has great Effect. He describe Tawheed ,Allah oneness of His Lordship,Tawheed of Worship, Asma O Sifat, Asma ul Husna Allah Unique Name and Attribute by quoting Quranic Ayats and Ahadith . His command over Quranic Ayats and  Ahadith is unique. He quotes Quranic Ayats and Hadith so nicely that gives a glimpse of Memory of Past Muhaddethin that we used to read in History Books.

2.He Praise Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and  Emphasise that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was greatest Caller of Tawheed So all those who love,claim to be obedient and Respectfull to him, Should be steadfast on Tawheed very strongly. Love and Respect of Rasulullah and Tawheed are not separate thing Rather they are bound to present together

3. He connects and correlated the Tawheed(Oneness of Allah), Risalat (Prophecy) and Akhirat (Life after death) the three sheet anchor of Islamic Aqeedah in very impressive way and with examples from Quran Ahadith, Seerat e Sahaba and from Salafussalehin.
4. He is among scholar those are Popular on You Tube that speaks from Heart. Not only knowledge but his Sacrifices for Islamic cause has brought an special effect reflected in his talk.

5. He is Rare species among Scholars on You Tube who always talk Positive. No group Mentality.  No argument/counterarguments.No bashing Business.

6. Most of the speaker have become famous on you tube because of Controversial Statements and because of criticizing other groups/ Person. 

Tariq Jameel Sb is not like that. He became Popular with Positive Talk 

7. He is from very rich Family . His ambition was to become a Doctor. His brother is Cardiologist.He was not religiously inclined. In his college days at Lahore in after much Persuance of one of his hostel Fellow Naeem, after many undesirable incidence of harsh treatment from his side for that fellow..............He became ready to go into Jamaat............................That was a turning Point in his life..............He left college and Joined Madarsa became Full Alim...............
8. Actually it is Allah acceptance that gives all capabilities. He is one of visible example of acceptance and Qudrat of Allah.

May Allah give us more and More Daee to Ummat e Muslima ...............

PARADISE FOR ALL MANKIND..This was the Motto of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihu wasallam.He even cried at the death of a Jew. We are his ummati Our concern should be same. To start simultaneously from ourself, family,locality,country to whole mankind till the day of Judgment. Dawah is very effective tool for our correction also.Our success for life here and Hereafter THE LIFE AFTER DEATH is in obeying commands of Allah and following Path of Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu Alahi Wasallam