
Tablighi jamaat criticism Types of criticizer Problem Solution

There are two types of Criticisers

1.First Type of criticiser

They have not seen the work from close/has not gone in the path of Allah with Tabligh.

And their criticism is based on 

1.There understanding from distance or seeing some individual wrong of a particular Tabligh worker in his locality who has done something wrong.

2.Reading/listening some books who give one sided picture with some criticism and baseless allegations. 
They give mild to Hard Advice/criticise/raise doubts.

These are the people with correct intention and heart

they have right to get their confusion clarified about the blessed work of tabligh.


1.The Best way for them to go in the path of Allah,Insha Allah they will understand and get their confusion clarified.

2.If still after going in Jammat they could not understand fully and still confused they are not responsible for their Judgement of Error and Allah will Pardon them.(Insha Allah) 

3.But if they are criticising without going in the path of Allah they are not doing justice,they should be fearful from Allah as Allah will certinly ask from them.