
How much charity sadqah Quran ayat Surah Baqarah 219

Allah Pak says in Quran.............
(People) ask you what they should spend (as Sadaqah). "Tell (them) what they can spare". (i.e.) what is in excess of their requirements). (al-baqarah: 219)

Note: Wealth is meant to be spent; whatever is left over, after meeting personal requirements, should be spent as Sadaqah. 

Ibne Abbas Radhiallaho anho has said that, after meeting the requirements of one’s family the balance
becomes ‘Afv’ which means that it is to be spent as Sadaqah. Abu Umamah Radhiallaho anho has reported
Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam as saying, "O men, give what you can spare for charity, this is good for you; if
you hold it back, it will be bad for you. You are not to blame for keeping back just enough for your own
requirements; begin by spending on those who are dependant on you. The upper hand (which gives) is better than
the lower hand (which is stretched out for accepting alms)".
Ataa Rahmathullah alaihe is quoted as having said that ‘Afv’ means wealth in excess of actual needs. (Durre
Manthur). Abu Sae’ed Khudri Radhiallaho anho has said that once Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam said that
when a person has an extra conveyance he should give it to someone who has none, and whoever has provision in
excess should give the excess to those who do not have any. Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam said this so
emphatically that we thought no one would have any right over his own property in excess of his actual needs. (Abu
In fact the highest virtue lies only in giving away everything that is over and above one’s legitimate requirements;
nothing is to be hoarded. Certain Ulama have said that ‘Afv’ means "What is convenient"; one should spend as
Sadaqah what can be spared with convenience and ease, so that no hardship or distress is caused to oneself
afterwards. Also that no dependant should be deprived of his or her legitimate rights (which is a responsibility of the
spender), due to which the latter may get into trouble on the Day of Judgement.
It is narrated that Ibne Abbas Radhiallaho anho said, "Some people used to give so much Sadaqah that nothing
would be left with themselves, even for eating, and they would be compelled to look for Sadaqah from others. It was
for this reason that the above Ayat was revealed".