The era of Sponsored question. The ftnah around it.And responsibilities of the Scholar responding the question.
This is the era of Fitnah. And a new Fitnah is emerging.
Many people ask question in such a manner that instead of asking they actually suggest and compel the scholar/ orator to answer according to question scenario instead of truth. We will discuss on this Fitnah in detail Insha Allah so to save us from this Fitnah
Lets Take few example of such type of question.This question is
about Tablighi Jamaat
Q 2: I have read many Fatwas issued by you
(Part No. 2; Page No. 45)
urging the knowledge seekers to join the group of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). I joined this group and made use of the knowledge they provide. However, they observe some acts that are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah. The following are some examples:
1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above.
2. Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays.
3. Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime.
4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah.
If I join this group, what should I do with these acts which are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah? Furthermore, changing the group's method is impossible. Please, advise.
The Analysis of this question
The Question
1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above.
Analysis of Question and truth about Halqa (Part 1)
1. This is an Halqa for Tajweed of Quran. In Jamaat almost always there are new Brothers. At many places Muslims are only well remembering last 10 surah. So in Halqa if you are taking Surah Kahaf or Baqra etc chances are there that many of them is not remembering. Thats why they take last ten suran In many Jamaat people with even last surah is not so they will do memorization So it nothing to do with any compulsory act of last ten surah.
2. As far as making Halqas are concerned It is very clearly proved from Sunnah . …Rtaher it was prophet Model of teaching and learning ……..Sahaba Rather learned deen through this Method only ……
3. There was no printed copy of Quran at Prophet time and no Hadith collection……HOW they learned……. Rather it is our great loss and tragedy that we lost this effective system of teaching and learning on the prophet Model ..Read Hadith of Bukhari Related with Hazrat Umar and his Neighbours…..Ahadith about Ashab e Suffa……Qabila Abde Qais arrival and learning in Madeena (Rawah Ahmad 3/432).
4. The questioner himself has presented and decided that he faced a situation of Bidat and telling these as an act of Bidah. And asking what should I do. So Obvious answer will be to leave the Bidah that the scholars rightly
The Question (Part 2)
Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays.
Analysis of Question and truth about Aitakaf (Part 2)
1. This is not for purpose of continuous Aitakaf on thursday. Rather it is for Mashwara,Muzakra,assessment of the work done and making Plan for the next week. All the Jamaat arriving from outside there progrmme in the city everything is decided in it.
2. It is sunnah that if you are im mosque You should be with Aitakaf.
3. There is no Thursday specific. They want to do it weekly. For many Muslims Friday is a holiday so it is manageable to them to be them. Suppose someone some one is coming from 25 KM so returning will be easy on Friday. But it is not Thursday specific.
4. In Aligarh Muslim University as Sunday is the Holiday so it is done on Saturday Night.
The Question (Part 3)
Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime.
Analysis of Question and truth about Aitakaf (Part 3)
A large volume of Fatawas are on internet explain that it is for organizational purpose and not a sharaee ruling as the system of Madarsa and Islamic schools.
As Sheikh Salih al Uthaiymeen has also clarified 40 days/3 days issue
With regard to limiting da’wah to three or four days, or to two or four or six months, or two years, there is no shar’i evidence for that. But they think that this has to do with organization. If a person goes out for three days, and knows that he is limited to these three days, he will focus his mind and forget about worldly matters. This is the matter of organization, and is not an act of worship or a matter of sharee’ah
Al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 10, P. 304.
4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah.
They do supplication before Dawah presenting their weakness to Allah and seeking help.And there is nothing wrong in it.
Collective and continuous word is causing confusion here. As far as collective dua it is fiqh issue with difference of opinion and we should respect it. Many a times if they have to move fast for Mulaqat they don’t do collective dua rather they say BISMILLAHI TAWAKKALTU ALALLAH LAHOUL WAL QUWWAT ILLA BILLA…….and Just move and it is also very common practice in individual Mulaqat.
So all these answers and question and there were point specific Some thing was presented and the scholars gave the answer of the Question.
Take an example
Suppose If a Person ask a question that I met some salafis who disrespect Prophet and have no love for prophet. Are these are Ok Should I be with them.
The Obvious answer will be that disrespect prophet and having no love for him is a Bidah worst kind of sin and totally unislamic act so that you cannot go with these Salafis …………….
This is the era of Fitnah. And a new Fitnah is emerging.
Many people ask question in such a manner that instead of asking they actually suggest and compel the scholar/ orator to answer according to question scenario instead of truth. We will discuss on this Fitnah in detail Insha Allah so to save us from this Fitnah
Lets Take few example of such type of question.This question is
about Tablighi Jamaat
Q 2: I have read many Fatwas issued by you
(Part No. 2; Page No. 45)
urging the knowledge seekers to join the group of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). I joined this group and made use of the knowledge they provide. However, they observe some acts that are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah. The following are some examples:
1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above.
2. Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays.
3. Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime.
4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah.
If I join this group, what should I do with these acts which are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah? Furthermore, changing the group's method is impossible. Please, advise.
The Analysis of this question
The Question
1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above.
Analysis of Question and truth about Halqa (Part 1)
1. This is an Halqa for Tajweed of Quran. In Jamaat almost always there are new Brothers. At many places Muslims are only well remembering last 10 surah. So in Halqa if you are taking Surah Kahaf or Baqra etc chances are there that many of them is not remembering. Thats why they take last ten suran In many Jamaat people with even last surah is not so they will do memorization So it nothing to do with any compulsory act of last ten surah.
2. As far as making Halqas are concerned It is very clearly proved from Sunnah . …Rtaher it was prophet Model of teaching and learning ……..Sahaba Rather learned deen through this Method only ……
3. There was no printed copy of Quran at Prophet time and no Hadith collection……HOW they learned……. Rather it is our great loss and tragedy that we lost this effective system of teaching and learning on the prophet Model ..Read Hadith of Bukhari Related with Hazrat Umar and his Neighbours…..Ahadith about Ashab e Suffa……Qabila Abde Qais arrival and learning in Madeena (Rawah Ahmad 3/432).
4. The questioner himself has presented and decided that he faced a situation of Bidat and telling these as an act of Bidah. And asking what should I do. So Obvious answer will be to leave the Bidah that the scholars rightly
The Question (Part 2)
Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays.
Analysis of Question and truth about Aitakaf (Part 2)
1. This is not for purpose of continuous Aitakaf on thursday. Rather it is for Mashwara,Muzakra,assessment of the work done and making Plan for the next week. All the Jamaat arriving from outside there progrmme in the city everything is decided in it.
2. It is sunnah that if you are im mosque You should be with Aitakaf.
3. There is no Thursday specific. They want to do it weekly. For many Muslims Friday is a holiday so it is manageable to them to be them. Suppose someone some one is coming from 25 KM so returning will be easy on Friday. But it is not Thursday specific.
4. In Aligarh Muslim University as Sunday is the Holiday so it is done on Saturday Night.
The Question (Part 3)
Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime.
Analysis of Question and truth about Aitakaf (Part 3)
A large volume of Fatawas are on internet explain that it is for organizational purpose and not a sharaee ruling as the system of Madarsa and Islamic schools.
As Sheikh Salih al Uthaiymeen has also clarified 40 days/3 days issue
With regard to limiting da’wah to three or four days, or to two or four or six months, or two years, there is no shar’i evidence for that. But they think that this has to do with organization. If a person goes out for three days, and knows that he is limited to these three days, he will focus his mind and forget about worldly matters. This is the matter of organization, and is not an act of worship or a matter of sharee’ah
Al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 10, P. 304.
4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah.
They do supplication before Dawah presenting their weakness to Allah and seeking help.And there is nothing wrong in it.
Collective and continuous word is causing confusion here. As far as collective dua it is fiqh issue with difference of opinion and we should respect it. Many a times if they have to move fast for Mulaqat they don’t do collective dua rather they say BISMILLAHI TAWAKKALTU ALALLAH LAHOUL WAL QUWWAT ILLA BILLA…….and Just move and it is also very common practice in individual Mulaqat.
So all these answers and question and there were point specific Some thing was presented and the scholars gave the answer of the Question.
Take an example
Suppose If a Person ask a question that I met some salafis who disrespect Prophet and have no love for prophet. Are these are Ok Should I be with them.
The Obvious answer will be that disrespect prophet and having no love for him is a Bidah worst kind of sin and totally unislamic act so that you cannot go with these Salafis …………….
(2) بہت سی ویب سائٹ پرایسے سوال ہیں ۔ ایک تبلیغی بھائی نے یہ کہا، ایک تبلیغی
پروفیسر نے یہ کہا ، ایک تبلیغی امیر نے
یہ کہا، ایک تبلیغی عالم نے یہ کہا ۔ اسکے بعد اسی طرح کی باتیں منسوب ہوتی ہیں کہ
جس سے علم اور علماءکرام کو لغو اور بیکار بتایا جاتا ہے (نعوذ بااللہ)بعض
دفعہ یہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ کسی مدرسہ کے
عالم کو کہا گیا کہ آپ جب تک جماعت میں نہیں جائیں گے تو سب علم کی خدمت بیکار
ہے(نعوذ بااللہ)
سوال پوچھنے والا اس انداز میں سوال کرتا ہے کہ جواب دینے کا انداز مدافعت والا ہو جاتا ہے ۔
میرا ہر گز یہ کہنا نہیں ہے کہ تبلیغی جماعت میں
ایسا ہو ہی نہیں سکتا ۔بلکہ کچھ لوگ ہو سکتے ہیں جو ایسا کہتے ہوں اور وہ تبلیغ سے
بھی جڑے ہوں ۔جیسا کہ اکابر کا مشہور
مقولہ ہے کہ چور بھی طالب علمی کرنے لگے ہیں۔لیکن اس کو اس انداز میں پیش کیا جاتا
ہے جیسے یہ افکار تبلیغ کے سواد اعظم کے
ہیں ۔سوال پوچھنے والا اس انداز میں سوال کرتا ہے کہ جواب دینے کا انداز مدافعت
والا ہو جاتا ہے ۔میرا ماننا ہے کہ اس طرح کے سوال کے جواب میں محتاط رہنا چاہئے
بلکہ یہ واضح کرنا چاہئے کہ اگر ایسا کہ رہے ہیں تو غلط ہے لیکن یہ تبلیغی جماعت
کا موقف نہیں ہے ۔مولانا ابراہیم
صاحب دیولا (مرکز نظام الدین ) کی ایک تقریر اس
سلسلے کی چھپ چکی ہے ۔اسکی نقل
شامل ہے۔
“The blessed work of Dawat o Tabligh must remain in its correct Path”
Maulana Words starts …….
“It is collective responsibity of all the Ulema of Muslim Ummah to preserve this great work of Dawat o Tabligh in its original and correct form in the light of Quran o Hadith as adopted by the GreatAkabireen (Scholar) of Ummah.”
(English Translation and English Transliteration of article is after Urdu Page, If anybody has time please write in Roman (HINGLISH/URDU IN ENGLISH SCRIPT. MANY BROTHERS HAS REQUESTED.Please for the sake of Allah)
مولانا ابراہیم مرکز نظام الدین نصیحت اردو
مولانا ابراہیم مرکز نظام الدین نصیحت اردو
Maulana Mentions Following Point about great effort of Dawat o Tabligh to be preserved.
1. The great effort of Dawat o Tabligh has always been done under direct supervision and control of the Pious and knowledgeable Ulema.
2. The Blessed work of Dawat o Tabligh is always being done primarily with intention of own correction and Islah.
3. The Basic ambit of the work of Dawat o Tabligh has been to inculcate in life the six chosen qualities of Sahaba Karam.
4. In this Great Movement of Dawah o Tabligh always has been appreciation admiration and respect for all other of Deen and all people of capabilities.
5. This work of Dawat o Tabligh has been free from criticizing others, or competing or negating others.
6. There is no high claims and Exaggeration (Dawe and Gulu) in the work rather middle and inclusive attitude has been.
7. The work has been free from Groupism, Secterianism andTaassub.
8. Through the work of Dawah always emphasis has been on establishment of Islamic Society.
9. The Preservation of the Manhaj of Dawah has always been by the Taqwa piety of the workers (Daee’s).
10. In the work of Dawah always the collective conscience of Ummah has been preferred over any individual Opinions.