
Abdullah Ibne Baaz R.A. on Tablighi jamaat (the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia)

Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz (R.A.) the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Fatwa.
Below are the Arabic and English translation of some of the reports Letters views and Finding of Great scholars of Saudi Arab on Tablighi Jamaat.Jmatut Tabligh
Scan taken from
 Some of the translation and arabic text Taken from
Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (HA) to Falih Ibn Nafi Al-Harbi on TABLIGHI JAMAAT


Letter from the Honourable Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz rahimahullaah to the Respected Sheikh Falih bin Nafi 'Al-Harby

Correspondence 889 (خ) dated 12th of Sha’baan 1406 AH (22nd of April 1986)

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Shaykh Falih Ibn Nafi Al-Harbi (HA) and may Allah (SWT) increase his Baseerah (foresight for Islam) and expand his breast for actions suited for His (SWT)’s pleasure (Ameen).

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter, I received your letter dated 22nd of Rajab 1406 AH and the objections raised towards Tableeghi Jam’aat I understood. Whatever I wrote regarding the Tableeghi Jamaat and before me our respected Shaykh (Allamah) Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Al-Shaykh (RA) [who was the Mufti of the of this Kingdom of Saudia in his time] who also praised Tableeghi Jamaat and I understood your objections towards it. You have devalued Shaykh (Allamah) Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Al-Shaykh (RA)by referring to him as “Ibn Ibraheem” and I disliked it! And I also disliked those whom you have referred to who have disagreed with the Shaykh (RA) with regards to his opinion regarding Tableeghi Jamaat and I am astonished! Where is their knowledge and their opinion (in comparison)? (Who are they) compared to the Baseerah, understanding, depth in knowledge, foresight and steadfastness of our Shaykh (RA)? We (Alhumdolillah) are upon Baseerah on our Deen and we don’t compare benefits and harms and we prefer where our heart finds peace. We investigated the affairs of the Tableeghi Jamaat and our contentment (of the heart) is towards agreement and alongside it those are deficient should be encouraged to reform (themselves) out of good will because deficiency is part of human nature apart from whom Allah (SWT) protects.

If our teachers and student brothers whom you have pointed to should have kept in touch with these (Tableeghi) people and participated in their work (of Tabeelgh) and guided them and tried to reform their deficiencies and shortcomings and guided them where they committed mistakes it would be of great benefit to Islam and Muslims. But, to hate them and to stay away from them and to warn people from mixing with them is a mistake and its harm is greater than its benefit. So my brother! Reconsider your opinion and beseech your Lord (SWT) with humility to expand your breast towards actions which are pleased to Him (SWT) and which bring benefit to his bondsmen and to show you the path of truth in this matters (of difference of opinion) and I ask Allah (SWT) to show me and you truth as truth and falsehood as falsehood and to abstain from it as His (SWT)’s special favour and not to let the haqq and falsehood become (mixed up) upon us otherwise we will be misguided and Surely He (SWT) is Capable of it and Owner of it.

Was-Salamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

You have referred to honourable Shaykh Muhammad Amaan (HA) that he has retracted his opinion in which he has praised Tableeghi Jamaat and stated that they are the originator of fictitious tales and  baseless stories and people of Bid’ah. So know that Shaykh (HA) has denied this and is astonished by these opinions (attributed to him) and has stated that I had written from observation and Yaqeen and I am still of the same opinion (of praising Tableeghi Jamaat) and whosoever asks him about the Tableeghi Jamaat he refers to his report (of Bangaldesh Ijtema) so it’s wrong to attribute this opinion towards him.

خطاب من سماحة الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبد اللهبن باز رحمه الله إلى فضيلة الشيخ / فالح بن نافع الحربي برقم 889/خ المؤرخ 12/8/1406هـ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن بازإلى حضرة الأخ المكرم فضيلة الشيخ فالح بن نافع الحربي أمدّه الله البصيرة, وشرحصدره لما يرضى رب العالمين, آمين. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، وبعد: فقدوصلني كتابك المؤرخ 26/2/1406هـ , وفهمتُ ما تضمّنه من النيل من جماعة التبليغ,واستنكارك لما كتبتُ بشأنهم، وما كتبه قبلي شيخنا العلامة الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم آل الشيخ مفتي الديار السعودية في زمانه قدّس الله روحه, ونور ضريحه من الثناء عليهم. ولقد ساءني كثيراً تنقُّصُك وحطُّك من قدره بقولك: "ابن إبراهيم", وأنالأشخاص الذين أشرتَ إليهم يخالفونه في الرأي فيهم. ولقد عجبتُ مما ذكرتَ فأين يقع علم هؤلاء ورأيهم من علم شيخنا, وبصيرته, وبُعد نظره, وسعة اطلاعه, وتأنّيه, وحكمته . ونحن بحمد الله على بصيرة من ديننا, ونوازن بين المصالح والمضار، ونُرجحما تطمئن إليه قلوبنا, وقد تأكّدنا من أخبارهم ما يطمئننا إلى الوقوف بجانبهم, معمناصحتهم فيما يحصل من بعضهم من النقص الذي هو من لوازم البشر كلهم إلا من شاء الله. ولو أنّ إخواننا من المشايخ وطلبة العلم الذين أشرتَ إليهم خالطوهموشاركوهم في الدعوة إلى الله، ووجّهوهم وكملوا ما يحصل منهم من النقص, وأرشدوهم فيمايخطئون فيه، لحصل بذلك خير كثير, ونفع عظيم للإسلام والمسلمين. أما النُّفرة منهموالتخلّي عنهم والتحذير من مخالطتهم فهذا غلط كبير وضررُه أكبر من نفعه . فاتهمالرأي يا أخي, واضرع إلى ربك أن يشرح صدرك لما هو الأحب إليه والأنفع لعباده, وأن يهديك لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنه, وأسأل الله عز وجل أن يُرينا وإياكم الحق حقاً ويمنّ علينا باتباعه، والباطل باطلاً ويمنّ علينا باجتنابه, ولا يجعله ملتبْساًعلينا فنضل, إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه, والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

الرئيس العام لإدارات البحوث العلمية والإفتاء والدعوة والإرشاد

تكميل أنا بعد ما نسبت إلى فضيلة الشيخ محمد أمان من رجوعه عن الثناء على الجماعة المذكورة, وإنه يقول خرافيون ومبتدعة, فقد أنكر ذلك, واستغربه جداً, وأخبر أنه لا زال على ما كتب عنهم, لأنه كتبه عن مشاهدة ويقين, وأنه يحيل كل من سأله عنهم الى ما كتبه في ذلك .

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (RA) Advice s to Scholars on Tablighi Jamaat
(This is an official letter from the office of  Sheikh Ibne Baaz Rahimullah Chief  Mufti Department of islamic affairs endowments call and guidance to a Salafi Scholar regarding Tablighi Jamaat.These advices are not only for addressee but for all of us. We should be fearful to Allah Should always seek strength  from him. May Allah guide all of us )

ORIGINAL ARABIC LETTER IS AFTER  TRANSLATION. Arabic letters are on this link 
رأي الشيخين ابن باز وابن عثيمين في شأن جماعة الدعوة والتبلي
Samahatus sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz Hafidahullah letter to Sheikh........................................................(Scholar from Saudi Arab) .
In the name of Allah the most beneficent and merciful
From the office of Chief Idarat Al Bahusul Ilmia walIfta Wal Dawat Wal Irshad,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
(Department of islamic affairs endowments call and guidance)
Letter no 414                                Dated:      11 Rabiul Awwal 1408 Hijri
Bismillahir Rahmanirraheem
From Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Bin Baaz to honorable brother Sheikh .............................................................................(NAME HAS BEEN CONCEALED).
May Allah increase his knowledge and Emaan and wherever he is may get barkat from Allah Ameen.
May Allah give him taufeeq to tell truth in anger and happiness.May Allah save me and him from evil of Nafs (Self Ego?)
Assalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu ,
Amma Baad !
I received your letter dated 3 Rabiul Awwal 1408 H and your letters addressed to Shaikh abu bakar al jazaeri and sheikh Yusuf Malahi and others.(About Tablighi Jamaat) I became well informed about all the content.
I don’t want to hide any secret from you and I say that I am not pleased from your letters and I am not at all convinced from it.
You are on a path that is not helpful to Dawah at all because it distructive and not constructive, awkward and not corrective. The loss associated with (your way) is more than any benefit.
The loss will not only be to the cause of Dawah but also to best sheikhs and students who has studied under Dawat o Irshad and has been trained on Tawheed and correct Aqeedah.
Obviously the ill hearted people took advantage of it and started open fight. Unfortunately some have claimed them as kafir and some other has justified their killing. (AL YAZ BILLAH MINH)
They made baseless allegations to the officials and authorities and fumed them. They presented their (Tablighi Jamaat ) case making very dangerous and frightened and irked them.They made dangerous allegations against them (Tablighi Jamaat ) from which they are free. Only Allah knows that By their action how much loss has been afflicted to the cause of Dawah and Daees of Islam.
For the cause you have organized the people following poem exactly suited on you. There are some who hit on hard rock’s by their horn so that the rock may be weakened but they will not able to break the stone rather will weaken their horns.
Because they are in the way of Dawat and Tabligh in their countries far away from you. Their government respect them as you have written in your letter that President attend their Ijtema and encourage them. As some of our Student (of Universities of Saudi Arab)  who were with them for years has told me that Markaz Raiwind (Markaz of Dawat o Tabligh near Lahore,in Pakistan) remain open for 24 hours and Jamaat used to go in the path of Allahand return from it regularly. So if the work is running like this then writing of yours and people like you will not able to harm them.
Else Your writings are based on wrong attitude,Harshness,and abusive languages. Rather your statement will cause for them to be suspicious from the truth.Allah Talla teaches his Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. for good manners in these words. (Sheikh Quote part of verse 159 Surah Ale         Imran         chapter      no3)  
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنْ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ (آل عمران: 159.
So, (O Prophet) it is through mercy from Allah that you are gentle to them. Had you been rough and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you.
And the saying of Prophet S.A.W. is that without doubt Allah likes kindness, Soft words and people having soft words and that he gives on softness donot gives on Harshness. He has even prohibited for abusing Kuffars else they will abuse Allah Almighty, Then how it is possible to abuse a Muslim. Especially if it become a cause of becoming away from truth and from the callers of truth.
It is obligatory on you to do effort of correction and not destruction and have relation with them.If any one of them commits mistakes then advice them with politeness, and soft words and desist from being harsh and Abusive.
As far as your strong opposition about taking Bayyh on the hand of any sheikh, On this issue I talked with their (Tablighi Jamaat) leaders in the last Haj when a meeting was held with them. Then I advised them that to change the word Bayyt to AHAD (Commitment) and they changed it accordingly.
But (Regarding Bayyh) they might have based on the views of Ibne Taimmiya R.A. in his Fatawa on Vol 28 Page no 12 where he (Ibne Taimmiyah) has not negated it.
Your second point about keeping one Daee for doing zikr in Masjid while going for Gasht they might be following Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam on the BADAR when he remained with Abu Bakar in temprory shed and  keep on doing dua lest his Blanket fell from Shoulder and Abu Bkar placed it back and said “O prophet now stop dua Allah is just to fulfill his promise from you for victory and help.” Otherwise also this act of Tablighi Jamaat is not to be condemned so vigorously. May Allah give Hidayat to me and you.
It is my wish that you should heed and accept my repeated advice and many letters in this regard. I have advised after full consideration and vision (Baseerat), Judging risk and benefit, and other Principles. Not only this I have written after enquiring in depth about Tablighi Jamaat. I met them in Makkah Mukarrama,Madeena Munawwara,and in Riyaz.
I also consulted Reliable and Trustworthy Mashaikh who has gone with them in Khuruj and have attended their Ijtema/Programmes and have observed them from very close, they have likeed them.
I am repeating same advice that I gave to Mahmood Istanbuli when he attacked Tablighi Jamaat without any Hikmah as Majority of Present day people attack them due to Ignorance and Self ego.
As you have also wrote to Mahmud Istanboli “I received an article from you about Tablighi Jamaat. I am regretful that one of Daees of Islam rise to condemn another Daee and abuse them, term them deviated, make false allegation that they are agent of enemies of Islam.
          Maximum you can say that according to me there are some shortcomings in certain aspect so it is obligatory on me to rectify them Similarly it is also obligatory on me to Praise and appreciate their the goodness in their methodology.
            Alas my bother, Lest you could have gone with them in path of Allah and could have learned softness instead of Harshness, Doing dua for fellow Muslims instead of cursing them, and defending  themselves silently than talking bad about others.
It is requirement of all of us that to introspects himself and to care his Nafs/oneself and to care for oneself on correct path and to connect the Command of Allah and the Manhaj/Nahaj/methodology of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallhu Alaihi Wasallam in Dawah.
Your letters words ended. You have written all these after having differed from them on certain issues, Allah has granted you taufeeq to say truth. Your letter is being returned with all details.
It may happen that by your words some muslims may get deceived who have not get in touch with tableeghi Jamaat and have not gone in the path of Allah with them and he does not know anything about them except your writings. If a person remained away from them because of your writing then his sin and all those who will be get deceived till the day of Qiyamah will be on you.
O my son…….Declare your opinion as wrong and let it know that Allah is aware that Allah is aware of tongue and heart of every speaker and shortly he will ask and do the justice. Attach to Allah and plead he may not make you obstacle for its path and the cause of suffering to Muslims.
I pray to Allah that May Allah open your heart for the works liked by Allah and beneficial for his slaves. May Allah grant us good ending of this world to me,you and all Muslims, Surely he is merciful and Kareem.
Wassalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu ,
Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz
Chief (Raeesul Aam) 
Idara Al Josul Ilmia wal Ifta Wal Dawat Wal Irshad 
Department of islamic affairs endowments call and guidance
(Translated from Urdu Translation of  Sheikh letter) 
Full URDU letter is available on the this link .click here for download URDU

"سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..أما بعد ، 
فقد وصلني كتابك المؤرخ (3/3/1408هـ) ومشفوعاته: كتابك لفضيلة الشيخ أبي بكر الجزائري، وفضيلة الشيخ يوسف الملاحي، وما أرفقت بهما واطلعت عليها كلها، ولا أكتمك سراً إذا قلت إني لم أرتح لها، ولم ينشرح لها صدري، لأن هذه الطريقة التي سلكت لا تفيد الدعوة شيئاً لأنها تهدم ولا تبني وتفسد ولا تصلح وضرها أقرب من نفعها، ولم يعد ضررها إلا على الدعوة وعلى إخوانك في الله من خيرة المشايخ وطلبة العلم نشأوا على التوحيد والعقيدة الصحيحة علماً وتعليماً ودعوة وإرشاداً، وقد استغلها من لا بصيرة له في مناصبتهم العداء، وتكفير بعضهم لهم، واستباحة بعضهم لدمائهم والعياذ بالله مع الوشاية بهم، واستعداء المسؤولين عليهم، وتهويل أمرهم عندهم، وتخويفهم منهم، ورميهم بالعظائم، وإلصاق التهم بهم مما هم برءاء منه حتى حصل على الدعوة والدعاة من الضرر ما الله به عليم. 
أما ما أقمتم الدنيا وأقعدتموها من أجلهم فينطبق عليكم قول الشاعر: 
فلم يضرها وأوهى قرنه الوعل      وناطح صخرة يوماً ليوهنها
لكونهم بمنأى عنكم في بلادهم سائرين في دعوتهم في حماية من دولتهم لاحترامها لهم لأنك ذكرت في بعض كتاباتك لنا أن رئيس الحكومة يحضر اجتماعاتهم، ويشجعهم كما َذكَرَ لنا هذه الأيام بعض أبنائنا المتخرجين من كلية الشريعة بالجامعة الإسلامية ممن شاركهم في الدعوة سنين طويلة أن مركزهم في راولبندي مفتوح 24 ساعة، وجماعات تخرج في سبيل الله، وجماعات ترجع فما دام الأمر هكذا فلن تخضعهم كتاباتك، وكتابات أمثالك المشتملة على الفظاظة والغلظة، والسب والشتم، بل إن هذه الكتابات ستكون سبباً في نفرتهم من الحق، وبعدهم عنه لقول الله سبحانه لنبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي أدبه ربه فأحسن تأديبه: {فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم ولو كنت فظاً غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك}.. وقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: [إن الله رفيق يحب الرفق في الأمر كله، وإن الرفق لا يكون في شيء إلا زانه، ولا ينزع من شيء إلا شانه، وإن الله يعطي على الرفق ما لا يعطي على العنف، ولا على ما سواه] والله سبحانه وتعالى نهى عن سب الكفار إذا كان يفضي إلى سب الله، فكيف بسب المسلمـين إذا كان يفضي إلى تنفيرهم من الحق وبعدهم عنه، وعن الداعين إليه، فالواجب أن تسعوا في الإصلاح لا في الإفساد، وأن تخالطوهم وتنبهوهم على ما قد يقع من بعضهـم من الخطأ بالرفق واللين، لا بالعنف والقسوة.. أما تشديدك في إنكار البيعة على التوبة فقد اقترحت على قادتهم لما اجتمعت بهم في موسم الحج الماضي بمكة، وحصل بيني وبينهم من التفاهم ما نرجو فيه الفائدة أن يكون عهد بدل بيعه فقبلوا ذلك، ولعلهم تعلقوا بما قرره شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله في جزء 28 من صفحة 21 من الفتاوى من عدم إنكار ذلك. 
وكذلك تشديدك النكير عليهم في إبقائهم أحد الدعاة في المسجد للدعاء لهم ولعل قصدهم الاقتداء بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حين بقي في العريش يوم بدر مع الصديق يناشد ربه النصر حتى سقط رداؤه عن منكبيه فرده الصديق، وقال يا رسول الله بعض مناشدتك ربك فإن الله منجز لك ما وعدك، ولا يوجب هذا العمل هذا التشنيع الفظيع هدانا الله وإياك، وقد تمنيت أنك قبلت نصيحتي المتكررة لك، وما أشرت به عليك سابقاً ولاحقاً في كتبي المرفق بعضها، مع بعض صور مما صدر منك في الموضوع لأني كتبتها عن بصيرة وتأنٍّ ونظر في العواقب، وموازنة بين جلب المصالح، ودفع المضار، وخبرة تامة بهم لتكرر اجتماعي بهم في مكة والمدينة والرياض مع ما استفدته من ثقات المشايخ الذين سافروا إليهم وحضروا اجتماعاتهم واطلعوا عليها عن كثب وأعجبوا بها، وكنت نصحتك بما نصحت له محمود استنبولي لما تهجم عليهم على غير بصيرة كحال أكثر من شن عليهم الغارة في هذا الوقت بدافع الجهل والهوى نعوذ بالله من ذلك وقد قلت في رسالتك المذكورة لمحمود: (وصلتني رسالة منك حول جماعة التبليغ ويؤسفني أن ينهـج أحد الدعاة إلى الله هذا المنهج المخالف لشرع الله في سب أقرانه في الدعوة إلى الله وشتمهم وتضليلهم واتهامهم بتنفيذ مخططات أعداء الله في الكيد للإسلام والمسلمين، كل ما في الأمـر أن جماعة التبليغ نهجت في الدعوة إلى الله منهجاً أخطأت -فيما نرى- في بعض جوانب منه ونرى من الواجب أن ننبههم على هذا الخطأ، كما نرى من الواجب الاعتراف بما في منهجهم من صواب وليت أخي يخرج معهم ليتعلم منهم اللين بدل القسوة والدعاء للمسلمين بدل الدعاء عليهم والجدل بالتي هي أحسن بدل الجهر بالسوء وكلنا محتاج لتفقد نفسه وتصحيح منهجه والرجوع إلى الله وإلى سنة رسوله في طاعة الله والدعوة إليه). 
انتهى كتابك بحروفه، وقد كتبته بعد اختلافك معهم في الرأي، ولكن الله أنطقك بالحق فالحمد لله على ذلك، وإليك رسالتك المذكورة مع شكرنا لك عليها برفقه. 
وربما اغتر بكتاباتك القاسية -ثقة بك- من لم يخالطهم في عمره، ولم يخرج معهم، ولم يعرف عنهم شيئاً إلا من كلامك فيكون عليك وزرك، ومثل أوزار من انخدع بما كتبت إلى يوم القيامة. فاتهم الرأي يا بني واعلم أن الله عند لسان كل قائل، وقلبه، وأن الله سيحاسب الإنسان عما يلفظ به أو يعمله، والجأ إلى ربك، واضرع إليه أن لا يجعلك سبباً في الصد عن سبيله وأذية المسلمين، وأسأل الله عز وجل أن يشرح صدرك لما هو الأحب إليه من نفع لعباده وأن يختم لي ولك بالخاتمة الحسنة إنه جواد كريم، والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (RA) to (Dr) Taqiduddin Hilali on Tablighi Jamaat


The Letter of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz rahimahullah to Dr. Muhammad Taqiyyudin Al-Hilaly rahimahullah.

Correspondence 889 (خ) dated 12th of Sha’baan 1406 AH (21st of July 1983)

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Dr Muhammad Taqiuddin Hilali (HA) and may Allah (SWT) grant him Taufeeq towards Khair (Ameen).

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter, I received your letter dated 12th of Sha'baan 1403 AH and may Allah (SWT) immerse you in His guidance. What you have alluded to I have understood and you want to know my opinion about stopping the Salary of brother Ahmed Muhaani when he goes out with Tableeghi Jamaat. I would like to give beneficial advice that his Salary which we deliver through you will be continued because his going out with Tableeghi Jamaat is not condemned tourism because he wanders in cities and towns for Dawah (towards Allah (SWT)) and meets honourable people and not so (honourable) and their (Tableeghi) Ijtemaas which occur in Bangladesh are attended by many people (honourable and not so) as we have been told by those trustworthy Ulamah who we were sent to attend the Ijtema last year.

Your condemnation of their Khurooj (i.e. going in the path of Allah (SWT)) and your proof that the statement of Al-Hafidh Ibn Haj'r (Al-Asqalani (RA)) that a person wanders around and considers his wandering his worship and chooses to live (in solitude) in caves, hilltops and jungles is contrary to the actions of Tableeghi Jamaat because these people don't leave (their homes) for solitude rather they exit for the benefit and reform of people, thus there is difference between them and those seek solitude.

And we beseech Allah (SWT) to give you Taufeeq towards actions for His (SWT)'s pleasure for verily he is Most Beneficent.

Was-Salamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

خطاب من سماحة الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز (رحمه الله) إلى فضيلة الدكتور / محمد تقي الدين الهلالي برقم 889 / خ المؤرخ 10/10/1403هـ

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من عبدالعزيز بن عبد الله بن باز إلى حضرة الأخ المكرم فضيلة الدكتور محمد تقي الدين الهلالي, وفقه الله للخير, آمين . سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته, وبعد: يا محبّ: كتابكم الكريم المؤرخ 12/8/1403هـ وصل, وصلكم الله بهداه، وفهمتُ ما أشرتمإليه من أخذ رأينا في قطع راتب الأخ أحمد المهاني بكونه يخرج مع جماعة التبليغ، وأفيدكم بأن الذي أرى الاستمرار في إعطائه راتبه الذي نرسل بواسطتكم, لأن خروجهمعهم ليس من السياحة المذمومة في شيء، لكونهم يقومون بالتجول للدعوة إلى الله عزوجل في المدن والقرى, ويتصلون بكبار الناس وعامتهم، واجتماعاتهم في بنغلاديش وغيرها, يحضرها كبار الناس وصغارهم حسب ما أفادنا به الثقات من المشايخ ممن أرسلنا لحضوراجتماعهم في بنغلاديش في عام مضى، فاستدلال فضيلتكم على ذم خروجهم بأنه ينطبق عليهم ما ذكره الحافظ ابن كثير رحمه الله تعالى عمّن يتعبد بمجرد السياحة في الأرض والتفردفي شواهق الجبال والكهوف والبراري، يخالفه واقعهم وعملهم، ونسأل الله أن يوفقالجميع لما يرضيه, إنه جواد كريم, والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

الرئيس العام لإدارات البحوث العلمية والإفتاء والدعوة والإرشاد 10 /10/1403هـ
Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (RA) to Audh Ibn Audh Al-Qahtaani on Tablighi Jamaat

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Audh Ibn Audh Al-Qahtaani and may Allah (SWT) increase his knowledge and Eemaan and increase His (SWT)'s abundance and blessings upon him, wherever he (Audh) may be. (Ameen)

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter,I received Your letter and whatever you have elucidated in it I have understood the question about Tableeghi Jamaat and as to whether their methodology is correct? Is their method and framework correct and there any obstacles in joining them and what is the status of leaving in the path of Allah (SWT) with them?

People narrate differing accounts regarding them, some praise them while others object to them but we have enquired about them from trustworthy brothers from Najd (Saudia) who have accompanied them in their travels and also made journeys to India/Pakistan and they have not made any mention of matters which are objectionable in Shariah or would prevent in joining them. I have also witnessed many people who have spent time with them and they went out with them because they were impressed by them and their condition and ideas about Deen, Akhlaaq (morals) and Aakhira had become good, therefore I see no impediment in leaving with them and to cooperate with them in Dawah. Moreover, people of knowledge and foresight should engage in this work (of Dawah) and should correct and reform if they (people of Tableegh) commit any mistakes or errors because there is impressive effect in their Seerah and actions and those who are well known in indulgence in sins and divergent from Deen are effected by their companionship and with this I am enclosing a letter of our teacher Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Aal Shaykh (RA)in which he praised this Jamaat and its work and therein he encourages people to make Nusrah (provide assistance to them) and prevents people from placing impediments in their path. In the letter he mentions that their main aim is to give sincere advice and talks in the Masajid, to guide people towards (goodness) and to establish people towards Tauheed and good Aqai'd and to encourage them to act upon the Kitaab & Sunnah to prevent them from Bi'daa and (blameworthy) useless matters. You will also find attached a photocopy of research by our trustworthy brothers rector Muhammad Amman Ibn Ali (rector of Jamia Islamiyya, Hadeeth and teaching) Madina Munawwara who was sent last year by the Jamia accompanied by Shaykh Abdul-Kareem Muraad who is also a teacher and he is known amongst us and also knows Urdu language along with Arabic as he attends the annual Ijtema in Pakistan, regularly.

The summary of their report is that their work is praised and people are encouarged to join this work of Dawah and to attend the Ijtemaas and to treat (the people of Tableeghi Jamaat) with goodness and excellent manners.

Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز إلى حضرة الأخ المكرم عوض بن عوض القحطاني زاده الله من العلم والإيمان, وجعله مباركاً أينما كان, آمين . سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته, أما بعد: فقد وصلني كتابك الكريم, وفهمت ما شرحتم فيهوما تضمّنه السؤال عن جماعة التبليغ وهل طريقتهم صحيحة ؟ وهل هناك مانع من مشاركتهم فيما يقومون به من الدعوة والخروج معهم إلى آخره ؟
 والجواب: قد اختلف الناس فيما ينقلون عنهم فمن مادح وقادح, ولكننا تحققنا عنهم من كثير من إخواننا الثقات منأهل نجد وغيرهم الذين صحبوهم في رحلات كثيرة وسافروا إليهم في الهند والباكستان,فلم يذكروا شيئاً يُخِلّ بالشرع المطهر أو يمنع من الخروج معهم ومشاركتهم في الدعوة. وقد رأينا كثيراً ممن صحبهم وخرج معهم قد تأثر بهم وحسنت حاله كثيراً في دينه وأخلاقه ورغبته في الآخرة .
 فعلى هذا لا أرى مانعاً من الخروج معهمومشاركتهم في الدعوة إلى الله، بل ينبغي لأهل العلم والبصيرة والعقيدة الطيبة أن يشاركوهم في ذلك, وأن يُكملوا ما قد يقع من بعضهم من نقص, لما في سيرتهم وأعمالهم من التأثيـر العجيـب علـى مـن صحبهم من المعروفين بالانحراف أو الفسق.
 وإليكم برفقه صورة من كتاب كتبه شيخنا الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم آل الشيخ رحمه الله يثني عليهم فيه, ويشجع على مساعدتهم في الدعوة وعدم منعهم, وذكر فيه: "أن مهمتهم العظة في المساجد, والإرشاد, والحث على التوحيد وحسن المعتقد، والحث على العملبالكتاب والسنة, مع التحذير من البدع والخرافات إلى آخر ما ذكر في كتابه المشفوع بهذا... " , وتجدون أيضاً برفقه نسخة من تقرير كتبه بعض إخواننا الثقات عنهم وهوفضيلة عميد كلية الحديث والدراسات الإسلامية بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورةفي العام الماضي, وفضيلة الشيخ عبد الكريم مراد الأستاذ بالجامعة الإسلامية وهو معروف لدينا بحسن المعتقد ويجيد لغتهم مع العربية لحضور مؤتمرهم السنوي الذي يقامفي الباكستان كل سنة . وخلاصة التقرير الثناء عليهم والدعوة إلى مشاركتهم في دعوتهم واجتماعهم واستمرار الصلة بهم .
 وأسأل الله أن يوفق الجميع لما يرضيه, وأن ينفع بهم وبأمثالهم المسلمين, إنه سميع قريب, والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

الرئيس العام لإدارات البحوث العلمية والإفتاء والدعوة والإرشادThis letter has been written by Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia in which he has given his opinion on Tableeghi Jamaat.Its English Translation is below.This has been taken from book TABLIGHI JAMAAT AND ARAB SCHOLARS page no 91-92 For downloading full book click

Abdullah Ibne Baaz on Tabligh

1. Speech No. 1155 dated 05/09/1399 A.H.
In his response to Iwad Bin Iwad al-Kahtani, when the latter inquired about this group, he stated that it was confirmed from trustworthy people who kept company with them that they did not notice anything contradictory to the Shariah, or anything that would prohibit going out with them.  He mentioned some of their positive effects on whomever accompanied them, and he does not see any harm in going out with them.  The people of knowledge should cooperate with them and make up for any shortcomings that may result from them. 

2.Speech No. 325 dated 20/03/1406 A.H.
In his response to Abdel-Selam Al-Sulaimani he stated that he learnt from trustworthy people who are impossible to lie, like the lecturers of Tawheed in the Islamic University (Al-Jami’a Al-Islamiya) and others, that the Tablighi group are patient in calling to Islam, being affectionate and steadfast.  Allah guided, thanks to them, many people who are astray.  Ibn Baz was advising the people of knowledge to participate with them in calling to Allah so that they would help each other.  It is not appropriate to judge the Jama by the shortcoming of some individuals amongst them.  It is incumbent upon a Muslim to advise his Muslim brothers with soft words, and not run away from them or make other people dislike them. 

3.Speech dated 27/01/1407 A.H.
In his response to Ibrahim Abdurrahman al-Hussein Ibn Baz stated that he is still holding to his opinion in what he wrote about them previously, because, thanks to them, Allah benefited enormously other people, and guided many people.  Therefore, we must thank them for their efforts and encourage them and draw their attention to things that they might not be aware of, because Muslims must advise each other.  He urged people to go out with them and gather with them.  He stated to those who contradict them the following:
“You have to stop criticizing them, or do what they have done.”

4.Speech No. 889, dated 12/08/1406 A.H.

Ibn Baz responded also to Saad Bin Abderrahman Alhussayn to doctor Taki al-Dinn al-Hillali and criticized them about discrediting this group.  He also responded to Fahih Bin Nafi’i when he criticized them, and praised them and confirmed his view by standing by their side but advising them with regard to the shortfall that could result from some of them, as everybody is subjected to imperfection, this is the human nature.

He stated that running away from them and warning people not to mix with them is a serious mistake as these causes more harm than benefit.

5.On the report of Salih Ibne Ali Alshaweeman the representative of Dawat Al Irshad in Aneeza whose was sent as a part of fact finding mission for on spot assessment on Tablighi Jamaat to Raiwind Pakistan Abdul Aziz Abdullah Ibne Baaz R.A. praised Tableeghi Jamaat and replied that these sort of Ijtema should be continued with Letter number 1007 dated 17 Shaban 1407 Hijri

(NOTE: Sheikh Rahimullah has he raised some points on  Tablighi Jamaat also but there approach was scholary, advisory that every muslim should have while dealing in the matter of difference of opinion and dealing with brothers in islam.
Here we are giving some speeches and writing  that gave in support and praise of Tablighi Jamaat but these are not widely known, and