
Qari Amir Hasan Sahab (RA)

Hazrat Qari Amir Hasan Sahab (RA) was born in district Siwan of Bihar in India. Initial education was received there only.

Then he took admission in Mazahir Uloom, Saharanpur, UP, India and finished his education there.

He got khilafah from Shaikh-ul-Hadeeth Maulana Muhammed Zakariya Kandhalvi (RA) in very early age.

In deed Shaikh-ul-Hadeeth (RA) is reported to have said that when Allah(SWT) will ask as to what I brought from the world then I'll present Amir Hasan.

Qari Sahab (RA) has left behind a large number of khulafa of both kind - the number will easily cross hundred.

Allah(SWT) continuously chose him for the journey of Haj since 1977 including the last Haj. According to Hijri he got an age of 91 years.

May Allah(SWT) have Mercy upon him and elevate his status.