
Manzoor Noumani Confusion on Tasawwuf Sufism reservation??

(This is translation of the writing of Maulana Manzoor Noumani the great Hadith scholar of last century the writer of six volume book Maariful Hadith. He opines about the confusion reservation about tasawwuf causes/reason and solution)  
He starts .......................................................................Before telling the later part of this story,
 it seems necessary to giving here a personal account of mine......................................... 
It was a matter of
fact that,

 though I had a devout respect and admiration towards the great leaders
of the spiritual and mystic path (Tasawwuf/Tazkiya/Ihsan), such as Hazrat Mujaddid Alf-eSani,(Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi)
Hazrat Shah Waliullah, 

Hazrat Syed Ahmad Shaheed,
Hazrat Shah Isma'il Shaheed and 
Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, 
and these laureates of Muslim-India had won
my heart and mind, yet I was not satisfied with tasawwuf itself:
I was rather having some sort of aversion towards it, and I had
some mental reservations about it on the basis of my

At the end of 1361H or the dawn of 1362H
(December 1942/January 1943), a tum of fate made me remain
with a divinely-guided religious elder (whom I considered to
be a man of faith and sincerity, and ranked him among those
blessed souls who are specially devoted to Allah) for about a
week. I turned this happy chance to my advantage by having a
discussion about the special activities and methods of
tasawwuf- more for reforming the ideas and inspirations of
him than to satisfy and persuade myself. This bondsman of
Allah, however, applied a striking remedy. The detail of which
is much, and this is not the occasion for giving full account of
it. A summary account of that meeting, however, is that all my
reservations were resolved in just two or three days, and I
found that all my doubts and objections had been the result of
my own misunderstanding.

These few days that I spent in the company of that religious
elder became the means of a tum in my life..................................

(Taken from preface of book words and reflection of maulana Ilyas page no 19 written by Maulana Manzoor Noumani e-copy available at