
Kashf Ilham Karamat Ilm e Gaib Scholars of Ahle Sunnah Position

Some innocent Brothers and some misguided Group/Websites Refute Stories of Aulia Allah Karamat and Kashf. 
These stories are in book of many great Imam and scholars including Ibne taimmiya and Ibne Qayyim Rahimullah.
Position of Scholars of Sunnah on Kashf/Karamat
Ahle sunnat wal jamaat has believe that Aulia Allah by will and power of Allah can Have Kasf/perform something that is normally considered impossible.
 Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taimiyah (RA) [Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah] says.
وَمِنْ أُصًولِ أَهْلِ السُّنَّةِ: التَّصْدِيقُ بِكَرَامَاتَ الأَوْلِيَاءِ وَمَا يُجْرِي اللهُ عَلَى أَيْدِيهِم مِّنْ خَوَارِقِ الْعَادَاتِ فِي أَنْوَاعِ الْعُلُومِ وَالْمُكَاشَفَاتِ وَأَنْوَاعِ الْقُدْرَةِ وَالتَّأْثِيرَات ، وَالمَاثُور  عَنْ سَالِفِ الأُمَمِ فِي سُورَةِ الْكَهْفِ وَغَيْرِهَا، وَعَنْ صَدْرِ هَذِهِ الأُمَّةِ مِنَ الصَّحَابَةِ وَالتَّابِعِينَ وَسَائِرِ فِرق الأُمَّةِ، وَهِيَ مَوْجُودَةٌ فِيهَا إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ ۔
The testimony of the Karamat (charismata) occurred by the Auliya (those righteous people who are close to Allah) also forms part of the principles of Ahlus-Sunnah, as also the testimony of all those extraordinary occurrences and habits which Allah manifests through them in terms of various knowledges, spiritual experiences, powers, and influences and those that are mentioned in the Qur'anic Surah Al Kahf etc. regarding former communities and about the initial period of the Sahaba and Taba'een of this Ummah till today and will continue to remain till the day of judgement. 

There are a lot of things which only Allah knows, And only Allah has right to know.
but it is Allah will that He can let some of it know to others. No one can ask question to Allah.
He knows from the beginning, but He may let it know later to his Prophet or his friends (Aulia Allah)

 A muslim believe that Karamat/ Kashf is totally under control of Allah. 

It is not related to the will or status of a person (Aulia Allah) .
It is by Allah will and not the Desire/status of person have much Role. 

Sometimes a person other than Prophet may get Kramat from Allah.
Eg:   Quran says that  Hazrat Mariyam used to get fruits without season and Prophet Zakaria was not getting,But it does not mean that she became bigger than Prophet.As already being said that through kashf a lot of things can be seen/feel with the permission of this one:

'A'ishah narrated: "When he(Abu bakr) was on his deathbed, my father(Abu bakr) said to me: "Verily, you have two brothers and two sisters." So, I became startled at this, as I only had two brothers and one sister. He referred to his then-pregnant wife, Bint Kharijah, saying: "I see that she is pregnant with a girl," and that turned out to be exactly the case."
[Reported by ash-Shatibi in 'al-Muwafaqat' (4/85), and Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned it in 'Majmu' al-Fatawa' (11/318)]

Yaqub Alaihissalam could not trace from the well of Kunan But By will of Allah he could smell the cloths of Yusuf Alaihissalam from far away Egypt.

So if you will see the Karamat e Aulia with Muslim vision you will find the greatness of Allah.
Otherwise you may find something else if you consider that it has been done by the Aulia Allah, then it will become shirk,as Some of the groups are making Propaganda of  Shirk in Aulia Allah Stories IN FAZAIL E AMAAL.(These stories are from older book of great Imams and scholars REPRODUCED WITH REFERENCE)
May Allah show all of us Right path.