
Model of Dawah o Tabligh Work for All Muslims and Appeal for the cause

Summary of the Model of  Dawah Work of Every Muslims
A brief outline of the work of Tabligh, its importance and urgent need have been discussed and it now remains to be seen as to how all this can guide us and bring us the desired relief and benefits in our times which are filled with confusion, unrest and conflicts. For this, once again, we have to seek guidance from the Quran which refers to the hard work and patience for the faith of Islam as a highly profitable business and puts it across in the following manner

: O you who believe! Shall I point out to you a trade that will shield you from a grievous doom? Believe in Allah and His Rasul and perform Jihad in His way with your wealth and lives. This is best for you, if you understand. Your Allah will forgive your sins and you shall enter Jannah, under which ripple (beauteous) streams and stately abodes in everlasting gardens and this is great success.... And another which you covet much, i.e. succor from Allah and victory near at hand, and give glad tidings to those who believe" [Surah As-Saff:10-13] 
The above Ayah describes a trade, which, if accepted, promises rescue from all types of sufferings and punishments. The trade meant is to have a firm faith in Allah (SWT) and His Rasul and to struggle hard in the path of Allah (SWT), without avoiding using one's life and wealth. This again points to the act of Tabligh, which can ensure for us everlasting well being and happiness. It is this simple work that will bring us great benefits, such as the forgiveness for all our sins, deliberate mistakes and shortcomings and high rewards in the Akhirah. So much for the success in the next life which really is the greatest joy for a Muslim, but there is also a clear hint for benefits in this life, too. We shall get what we like most such as prosperity, divine help and success against all our adversaries. In other words, Allah (SWT) has demanded two things from us, first to have firm faith in Him and His Rasul and secondly to struggle hard in His path, giving if need be, our lives and all that we possess. In return for this, He has also promised two things first a beautiful and peaceful house in Jannah with an eternal life and everlasting happiness and second honour and success in this life. The first demand on us is that of Imaan. 
This is exactly what Tabligh is meant to bring about in us that we should all be gifted with the wealth of true faith. 
The second demand is of striving in the path of Allah (SWT) which actually means Jihad, which may sometimes mean fighting a war against oppressors and non believers. However, it also means striving in belief of Allah (SWT) being One and enforcing Allah (SWT)’s commandments, which is also the ultimate aim of Tabligh. 

It should be clear to us that happiness and success in the life after death is solely dependent on having firm faith in Allah (SWT) and His Rasul (Sallallaho Alaihi wassallam) and in striving hard in the path laid down by Him. Similarly, success and prosperity in this life, also depend entirely on that very faith and on spending all our efforts in the path of Allah (SWT) When we fulfil these basic requirements, firstly, of faith in Allah (SWT) and His Rasul (Sallallaho Alaihi wassallam), and, secondly, of struggling hard in their path, through these two qualities alone, we can decorate ourselves with high noble qualities and excellence of character and then can we be fit to receive the promised Khilafah of Allah (SWT) and His kingdom on earth, which are bound to come to us as is promised in the Quran:
 To those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah promises that He will certainly give dominance to them in this world as He gave to those before you, and the religion that has been chosen for them shall be strengthened for them, and He will thereafter certainly transform their fear into tranquility; provided they worship Me and associate none with Me [Surah An-Noor:55] 

The above Ayah describes a direct promise of kingdom, but through Imaan and righteous deeds. This was actually fulfilled in the days of the Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wassallam) and remained in effect right through the period of the first four caliphs of Islam who were guided by Allah (SWT) i.e. Sayyidina Abu Bakr (RA), Sayyidina Umar (RA), Sayydina Uthman (RA) & Sayyidina Ali (RA). Practically the whole of Arabia had become an Islamic State in the days of the Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi wassallam) himself and the rest of the countries (Muslim countries of today) mostly joined Islam during the period of the first four Caliphs or immediately after their time. Later on the promise continued to be fulfilled in favor of a number of Muslims kings and caliphs and it would still happen if someone fulfills the conditions, as is clear from another Ayah: Surely Allah's followers shall dominate [Surah Al-Maida:56] 
In these pages, a study of the present situation and a practical solution for improving it has been given. In fact, the solution is nothing other than the actual Islamic way of life which belonged to our forefathers and early Muslims. 

In conclusion, it can be said that there is no way to gain honour, happiness, peace and rest in this life other than to adopt and firmly hold on to the work and system of Tabligh, for which everyone of us must use all our energies and wealth. 
Hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not create dissension's [Surah Ale-Imran:103] 

Final Appeal 
This very system has actually been put into practice in the recent past, in the territory of Mewaat and a few other districts around Delhi (India). Although the work in that region has not yet reached the final stages the progress of the local Muslim has been noticeable. The blessings and benefits of the system of Tabligh are clearly visible and worth witnessing. If all Muslims collectively resolve to follow the noble example described above and adopt the correct system of life, as described in this book, there is every hope that through this effort, Allah (SWT) may remove all our hardships and troubles and we may be able to regain our faith, the power to do righteous deeds and the resultant honour, greatness and glory in this life and attain permanent success in the next. The Muslims can then set an example for the rest of the world to live in peace, rest and happiness, which is the natural desire of every man on earth. An attempt has been made to explain as clearly as possible the real purpose behind the publishing of this book, which is to present the readers the sketch of a practical way of life which about sixty years ago, had been started and faithfully followed by Maulana Mohammed Ilyas (RA). He had in fact devoted all his life for this sacred purpose and mission. It is up to us, the Muslims of the present time to understand our obligations towards Islam and fulfil them in our own interest and that of the coming generations and of mankind at large. The way is clear and well set. Let us begin the march and fix our minds on the final goal, which is to earn the pleasure and approval of Allah (SWT).