
Importance Of Beautified social conduct Manners(Husn-e-Mu'aasharat )

Importance Of Husn-e-Mu'aasharat

The above mentioned five departments are collectively known as the Sharee'ah. It is essential for the Muslims to adopt all five departments of the Sharee'ah. But, in the present age people have abbreviated the Sharee'ah. Some have taken only Aqaa’id , believing that only the proclamation of Laa ilaaha illallaahu suffices for immediate entry to Jannah. Such persons, while they believe Salaat, sawm, etc., are fardh, they do not obtain the good fortune of practically executing these acts of worship. Others again, along with Aqaa’id observe Salaat, Sawm, etc, as well. However, they have discarded Mu'aamalaat . In their transactional dealings they are not concerned with the Deen, whether their acts are lawful or not. They are indifferent to the question of Halaal and haraam regarding their earnings and dealings.
Then there are those who maintain their Mu'aamalaat on a healthy footing, but are unconcerned with the reformation of their moral character.
Those who are concerned about Akhlaaq are exceptionally few. In fact there are even such persons who spend considerable time to reform others while others are inconvenienced and annoyed by their behaviour and attitude. They remain unaware of the difficulty they are causing others by their actions and behaviour. They are completely uncaring about their own detestable condition. There are numerous such persons who will not venture to offer salaam to a poor Muslim along the road. On the contrary they wait in expectation of the salaam to be initiated by the poor.

Some people, along with Aqaa’id , A'maal and Mu'aamalaat are concerned about the reformation of Akhlaaq , hence they adopt ways and measures for the treatment of their morals. But, they have discarded Husn-e-Mu'aasharat . In fact, they have excised it from the Deen. They assert that there is no relationship between the Sharee'ah and social conduct with people. They therefore behave as they please, thinking that the Sharee'ah has no say in such matters. Many people are pious with good qualities such as humility, but in Mu'aasharat they are lacking. They are not concerned whether they annoy and inconvenience others by their behaviour. In most insignificant things they bring about difficulty and inconvenience to others. Their attention is totally diverted from little things which cause difficulty to others while in the Hadeeth there are numerous incidents narrated which show that Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam cared for the little things just as much as he cared for important matters.