
An EVENING AT Aligarh Muslim University AMU: My Student days turning Point

Bismillahir Rahmanirraheem
..............We were discussing with my friends on role of Tableeghi Jamaat . ..................
The talk ended but no one can stop thinking .................................................
My thought went back to my student days.................I passed class xth and got admission A.M.U. Aligarh, Just a boy of 14 years .......Was not regular in Salah at all,although my father used to remind always in the long letters he used to send..........Not having any introduction with tableegh................

One evening I was sitting in my room two of my hostel fellow came to meet me talked with me and told that you have come university with an aim for this woldly life....................... but still bigger project is ahead......................a more Important aim that is preparation for life after death.................  1........................Love Passion mercy for all mankind including Non believers,for their success in the life after death....................Striving for paradise for all...................How each human being be saved from the fire of hell................
...............Islam,the final message of Almighty to mankind....We are responsible for....striving to follow the commands of Allah..........and to follow the Path of Hazrat Muhammad S A.W ............................
Then they invited me for three day Jamaat going in the Path of Allah in coming Dasehra Holiday......................
That was the beginning of connection with people who were one of the best people I have ever met .........So generous .........Caring the juniors like us tea and evening snacks from their Pocket money...............................

CARING FOR OUR STUDIES ALSO...........AS the student of Plus two remain in their most critical stage of education carrier...........They cared our Deen and Dunia Both without asking/expecting anything in return..............ALTHOUGH THEIR RETURN IS SURE IN AKHIRAH.............I am hoping  and Praying that this trend will continue at ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ........that gives success of Deen and Dunia together and Simultaneous....................

...........THANK TO MY JAMAATI Brothers {(A famous word in AMU Aligath Dictionary  along with Mullah, Matri,Masjid, Partner, Bhasar, the words we were having monopoly in the dictionary of Aligarh............Who once in the annual Darama of AMU ..........By Sir Syed Hall Darama team were given a name in light manner as........ARPF...... (ALLAH RASOOL POLICE FORCE)...............}]

Allah Force that rely on persuasion kindness love,passion and Care for life after death of Whole mankind all over the globe .......................................