The excellence of a person who calls towards Allaah
(Reproduced with thanks from Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah
Allaah says, “Whose
speech can be better than the one who calls towards Allaah, performs
righteous deeds, and says, ‘I am from the Muslims.’” (HaMeem
Sajda:33) This verse emphasises that the person who invites others
towards Tauheed and Islaam should himself practise what he preaches. By
doing so, his preaching will have greater effect on others.
The verse
also highlights the fact that the caller to Allaah should be humble. He
should not laude his own praises, but should proclaim that he is just
like everyone else, i.e. an ordinary Muslim. He must never allow his
knowledge and his noble effort to be a cause of pride and ostentation.
course, when a person preaches Islaam, he will encounter all types of
people. There will be many who will oppose him and behave in a harsh
manner towards him. Although it will be permissible to reply to their
behaviour by adopting a similar attitude like theirs, good character
demands that a person calmly endures their harshness. It will therefore
be best for him to be tolerant and gentle. It is with reference to this
that Allaah says,
“Good and evil cannot be equal. Resist (the malice of your opponents) with that (manner of approach) which is best,
and (by adopting this approach,) the one between yourself and whom there was enmity, will instantly become like your bosom friend.”
Allaah then adds that this extremely
noble quality of tolerance and good character is very rare, and will not
be the lot of every person. Allaah says,and (by adopting this approach,) the one between yourself and whom there was enmity, will instantly become like your bosom friend.”
“Only the patient ones will be inspired with this. Only the most fortunate will be inspired with this.”
commentators have interpreted “the most fortunate” to mean those who
will earn the most rewards. Others say that it refers to those who are
destined to enter Jannah. [“Ruhul Ma’aani”]
When a
person engages in the noble task of propagating Allaah’s Deen, Shaytaan
will always attempt to whisper evil thoughts and suggestions into his
mind. Hence, Allaah advises,
“If any
whisper from Shaytaan has to reach you, then seek refuge with Allaah.
Undoubtedly, He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.”
author of “Ruhul Ma’aani” has written that the literal meaning of the
Arabic word “nazgh” (translated above as “whisper”) is ‘to poke or prod
someone with a stick or with the finger’. This denotes that Shaytaan’s
whispers are very subtle, but can also be forceful. When a preacher
tolerates the difficulties that people give him, Shaytaan immediately
whispers into his heart saying, “You are preaching the truth, so
why should you lower yourself before these ill-mannered people (i.e.
leave them alone because they are not worthy of your noble effort)?”
On this occasion, the person should seek Allaah’s refuge by reciting
“A'oodhu Billaahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem” (“I seek refuge with Allaah
from the accursed Shaytaan”).
Excerpt from Anwarul Bayan
Mufti Ashiq Ilahi Buland Shahri
Surah Haameem Sajda Verse 33
Mufti Ashiq Ilahi Buland Shahri
Surah Haameem Sajda Verse 33