Sixth Cause of Muslims not doing/Neglecting work of Tabligh o Dawat
& Islah
There is great danger that whenever
someone takes up the work of commanding good and forbidding evil, he is not
received well by the people. People will treat him badly, using harsh and
insulting language and sometimes people will adopt a rude and insulting
attitude towards religious workers.
is all true, but we are likely to forget the fact that the performance of the
act of propagation means simply to follow in the footsteps of the Ambiya of
Allah (SWT), who were always the victims of the worst type of treatment.
is the usual and certain fate of those who take to the mission! Indeed, all
Ambiya had to suffer untold miseries on account of this, as is clear from the
following Ayah: And
we sent down Ambiya before you amongst people gone by, and no Rasul came to
them but that they ridiculed him [Surah Al-Hijr:10]
(Sallallahu „alayhi wa sallam), “No Rasul or Nabi has suffered more than me in the
propagation of truth.” It is clear therefore, that there is no
excuse for such doubts. As we declare ourselves to be the followers of
Sayyidina Rasul-ullah (Sallallahu „alayhi wa sallam) who himself had suffered
in the performance of this very mission. He persevered with everything
patiently and with tolerance, we must also follow his noble example and show
patience and calmness while performing the essential duty of Tabligh.