النَّصِيْحَة﴾ ﴿اَلدِّيْنُ
The Unbiased Study of
Tablighi Jamaat*
(Tablighi Jamaat ka Belag Jaeza)
The English Translation of Arabic Book
Al Qaulul Baleegh Fi Jamaat-ut-Tableegh by
Shaykh Abu Bakar Jabir Al Jazaeri
Ustad at Masjid e Nabwi Madeena al Munawwara
this book so………………..I become free
from responsibility of clearing the truth and keeping informed. And after
all everything will be presented to Allah …………I will not care the pleasure
or displeasure of any individual or group……… ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
In the name of Allah the most beneficent and merciful
All praise is for Allah Almighty. With
respect to final fate, the only successful people are those who have Taqwa
(Fear of Allah) and permanent loss is for those who are oppressor. Salat o Salam
(Salution) be on Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who was the
final messenger and head of mankind, and on his family ,his companions and all
those who followed him with Sincerity of Intention.
Why am I writing this book?
Now a Day a frequent topic of debate
is Tablighi Jamaat .And people depending on their thought understanding and
comprehension either praise them or criticize them.
why I am writing this book so that matter could be cleared and I become free
from responsibility of clearing the truth and keeping informed. And after all
everything will be presented to Allah Almighty.
In the Indian Capital Delhi this
movement started. With the will, help and blessing of Allah Tabark o Taala
the credit of reviving this movement went to Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Bin
Muhammad Ismaeel Kandhalwi Rahimullah.
Allah pardon him and all of us and may have mercy on him and all of us.
Circumstances that led to the start
of Tablighi Jamaat Movement
the work which is done after serious thought and consideration must have some compelling
state of affairs.
And that was. The Majority of Muslim
world was under the grip of Ignorance, negligence of Islamic commands and corruption in
beliefs and worship. Firmness on disobedience of Allah was very prevalent.
Disease of heart was prevalent, although
the situation was more or less same even in Islamic countries but in India
situation was still worst. In some parts of India (Trans: e.g Mewat)
Muslims due to sheer ignorance and Ghaflat were returning to Idol
In this difficult situation Tablighi
Jamaat came into existence and its purpose was that to which Allah has willed
should be turned from Ignorance to Islam. The common mass remoteness and
detachment from Islam has to be ended, so that they could learn deen, follow
it, and become successful in this world and life hereafter.
without learning deen e Islam and following it outwardly and inwardly
there is no success, no salvation, and no absolution.
Methodology of Tablighi Jamaat for bringing people back to deen
it is a Rule that whosoever is trying to save a drowning person then it is
necessary for him that he should apply special planning and measures to save
the person from being drowned.
Before describing the method of Tablighi
Jamaat it is proper to look into the prevailing situation of the Islamic
world and Muslim community in general.
And from east to west, north to south all
over the world the grim situation is almost same. Among Muslim community the
evil ranging from
Unislamic Rituals
and Grave worship was rampant
leaving of Faraiz
(Obligatory prayer) and Sunnah was common
abundance of sin
and unlawful activities,
Fisq o Fujoor,
Fashion of
ignorance is rampant.
talk of Islamic life and Sunnah was a far idea and who was to care about
it, even five times obligatory Prayer were being missed. The will of Nafs (self
ego) and Iblees was prevalent. They were not careful for even Faraez
o Wajibat.
If you would have entered in a
mosque you would find only some old people. Then where were the rest of the
Muslims of locality? They were busy in markets, Hotels, clubs, or at max a
temporal engagement. People were not even ready to listen about deen.
this difficult situation of Ghaflat, Khahishat e Nafsani, this was
necessary to adopt an effective and soft approach. So Allah guided Maulana
Ilyas to choose a soft Path to deal with neck depth ignorance, Gafhlat
and Fisq o Fujur. And by this way Allah saved innumerable of his slaves
from sins.
is Allah, who is the real guide and saved his innumerable slaves.
Allah turned many people from
weakness of Emaan (Faith/Aqeedah) to strong Emaan, from
darkness of ignorance to light of Islam, from wasting time in haram to
doing zikr and worship of Allah.
From here we come to some detail of
the method on which Allah guided one of his slave Maulana Ilyas to adopt and
implement it, and that gave very good results. And this became a remarkable
method filled with Hikmat and baseerat (cognition and far-sightedness).
This method is short but very
comprehensive. If you look into its six points (Six qualities) it encompasses a
wide range of points. These are
Kalima Lailaha
illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah and its Reality. That is to be to worship only Allah (affirm on Tawheed)
and to follow the path shown by Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in all aspect.
Salat with Khushu o Khuzu To
establish Salat with punctuality. To fulfill all Faraiz and wajibat
and also to take care that Salat should be with maximum khushu o
khuzu. The soul of salat is Khushu and Khuzu. Salat has power of
stopping from Sins and Fahashi (vulgarity), but this will not achieved
unless Salat will be with Khushu and khuzu. It is well known that the
salat of the many people is not preventing them from sins and Fahashi,
as it lacks Khushu and Khuzu.
3. Ilm o zikr To learn the required knowledge of deen
and to follow deen and actual purpose of zikr is remembrance of Allah.
And to do Amaal according to Ilm is actual purpose of zikr.
And without Amal it is mistake and carelessness. May Allah keep us free from
Knowledge that is not beneficial and from those dua that is not
4. Ikram e Muslim:(And Huququl Ibaad) The
fourth quality that is stressed is Ikram e Muslim.What is Ikrame e Muslim? From
this it is required the respect of Muslims, and rights and obligation of all
human being should be fulfilled. We should do husn e sulook. In many
instances even muslim have become enemy of Muslim. Muslim give another muslim
sometimes physical trouble and sometimes mental trouble. Sometimes they torn
the respect and honor of each other and sometimes even in muslim countries he
commits rape of mothers sisters of a fellow Muslim.(May Allah forgive us).These
qualities is becoming history and is lagging behind.
5. Ikhlas e Niyat (Correction of Intention) This means that for all of our action the intention
should be to please Allah only. From all his Faith,words and action he should
be seeker of the acceptance and pleasure of Allah only.
He should not have any belief, any word or any action
other than this. This is the Ikhlas that has come in The Quran and in
the sunnah of prophet sallallahu Alaihi wasallam.
6. Dawat ilallah : The purpose of this is to call people for Emaan in
Allah and to follow the kitab o sunnat. Peoples to be called for obeying
commands of Allah and path of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam. This
will make our life successful here and life hereafter in Akhirah. This
is for Khurooj fi sabilillah and to call muslims for the path of Allah.
The system of Dawah adopted by people
associated with Tabligh Jamaat
understanding the prevalent problem of ummah and the effectiveness of ground
dawah work of person to person contact (Trans:
The prime Method of Prophet’s Dawah was also of personal contact). They strived for making dawah in a practical way to
involve participation of muslims rather than merely an academic discussion and
theoretical concept.
by the taufeeq of Allah they were guided towards a way that includes.
1. Masjid
(Mosque) The first centre of Dawah
head and leader of all Daee’s Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
, as soon as he reached at place of Bani Auuf in Quba. To propagate his
Dawah the Prophet made Masjid e Quba. And then as he reached in the locality of
Bani Bukhar in Madeenah, then first he planned and built a mosque for
this Tablighi Jamaat also has made the the Mosque as centre of their Dawah. Masaajid
are the place where manners and etiquettes are learned, there is a pious
environment in mosque, and the person himself is clean inwardly and outwardly.
the week end they spare their free time for the sake of Allah compared to the many
people who spent their weekends in many unlawful entertainment, and Ghaflat.
May Allah forgive all many even miss the Fajr Salat as they spend their night
in entertainments and play.
contrast when the tablighi brother gather in mosque on night one able person
among them remind them about akhirah, about our obligation, Faraez
and Wajibat. The person requests them to devout time in the path path of
Allah. People give their name for khurooj fi sabilillah for reaching to
those brothers who have forgotten the final message of their creator. They plan
to reach to the brothers who have forgotten the command of Allah and path of
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. In all these they keep the precious
word of beloved prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
yahdillahu bika rajalan wa ahdan khairallaka Min Hamarinnaam ………………….
If Allah gives Hidayat (Guidance) to even one person due to your effort
then it is better than the red valuable camel.
after Fajir Salat one fellow who has experience in path of dawah
talks with wisdom to those brothers who have made intention to go in the path
of Allah. These brother’s time and duration in the path of Allah may vary
depending on their situation, may be as less as one day or even more.
talk for brothers intending to go in the path of Allah entails the topic of
correction of intention, the Dawah, the Sunnah and Islamic
etiquettes of journey etc. All are instructed for exemplify good Islamic manner
with brothers and obedience of Ameer of Jamaat (Responsible brother for that Jamaat of 10-15 brother
which is going in the path of Allah. Ameer is selected by Mashwara). This talk is called as Rawangi Hidayaat
(Departing Advices).
this Departing Advices each Jamaat sits with their respective Ameer (Responsible
Brother for 10-15 brothers) and Ameer reminds them on Sabr,
sincerity of intention etc. then some money is collected for travel and food expenses.
This money is not for any fund collection as it is very small contribution.
Then Ameer identifies two brothers among jamaat for arrangement of
travelling. Once the vehicle is boarded Jamaat brothers recite the Masnoon
Dua of journey. If time permits and journey is long and comfortable they do
taleem from Ayaats of The Holy Quran and Ahadith.
they reach the destined locality they first go in the mosque, perform tahyatul
Masjid and afterwards sit for Mashwara to plan the tarteeb of
Aamall e Dawah and all other arrangement for next 24 hours.
broadly do following action at arrival.
1. Arrangement of
food on their own expenses: For this they assign the responsibility for next 24
hours to 1-2 brothers among themselves. (Translator:
They call it Khidmat. With this the remaining brothers will be free for
Dawah and other activivties. )
2. Then they will seek time to meet the special people
like Imam of the mosque, head and members of the mosque committee,
Religious people of the society, and the elites of the area. This will give
opportunity to make plan for the effort in the area and give confidence to the
3. After the next Salat (Mostly zuhar if
jamaat arrives in the morning) they will do Introductory talk (Taarufi Baat)
and will tell that we are your brother in Islam and have not come for any
worldly objective but only for the sake of Allah, to love them and to do joint
effort of deen so that deen could come in our lives and the lives of
whole mankind. They will request to spare time for this effort of Dawah
Taleem and Tazkiya.
4. After the Asr Prayer there will be Dars followed
by virtues and etiquettes of meeting fellow Muslims (Gusht or Jaula).
After that they will go out to houses, the market places, tea shops etc to meet
brothers to remind about Allah and to bring them to mosque. In mosque after Maghrib
there will be a talk on Emaan and Aamaal e Saliha.
The Arrangement of Gusht (Jaula)
One of
the method adopted by Tablighi Jamaat for Dawah is meeting brothers at their
doorstep this is called as Gusht (Jaula). In Gusht a small group
will go that will have local guide (Rahbar), one Person will be
responsible for talking with people (Mutakallim, or Daleel)and
one Responsible brother to lead the Jamaat (Ameer or Zimmedar).
will be some brothers in mosque. Some of them will do dua to Allah for
accepting the Dawah effort and giving Hidayah to mankind. Some will be
in receiving the new comers to mosque who have been sent by the Jamaat outside,
some will be assigned for talking with these brothers after finishing salat of
the time.
After Maghrib
one fellow will announce that after completion of sunnah there will be a talk.
The announcement will be in these words “ Allah has kept our success and yours
success in obeying his command and following the path of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi wasallam.” The talk programme is named as ‘the talk of deen
and emaan’).
the Isha Prayer they read from Hayatus sahaba (Translator: A book on all aspect of Practical life of
Prophet and his companion) this gives the
glimpse of sahaba sacrifices so that their own sacrifices of dawah will become
easy. This encourages them to sacrifice in the path of Allah with content of
heart and for the pleasure of Allah.
Afterward one of them will remind
about the sunnah method of sleeping of our beloved prophet Sallallahu
alaihi wasallam. Similarly the etiquettes of mosque are revised and one
person gives the Targheeb of Tahajjud Salat and according to the
physical and spiritual capabilities each member do Qiyamul lail. (Night
Prayers). At least half an hour before the Fajr Salat everyone woke up.
They sit for deeni talk about Emaan
and Aamaal after Fajr prayer, they try to correct Tajweed of minimum
of last ten surah of Quran pak so that the Quran e pak recited in Salat
may be with Tarteel o Tajweed, which is very important for correction of
Then the members will perform the
sunnah prayer of Ishraq/chasht (Zuha Prayer).Afterwards they have
breakfast. Then there is time to complete individual Aamaal (e.g. Rest, bathing, Rememberance of Masnoon Dua,
Individual Learning, Recitation of Holy Quran etc). Afterwards they do Mashwara (Consultation) to plan the
Dawah and learning activities for next 24 hours. This is in general Routine of the activities of Tablighi Jamaat.
The Engagements and Avoidance (Do and Don’t Do)
who go in the path of Allah are encouraged to engaged more in certain action,
and to avoid certain things.
Dawat (Individual and Collective Dawah)
Ibadat of Allah (The Worship, Compulsory and Voluntary)
Taleem o Taallum (Teaching and Learning)
Khidmat (Service )
a. To obey the Ameer
b. To take part sincerely in Collective Aamaal
c. Patience and forgiveness
d. Cleanings of Mosque.
Don’t do Sawal
[(asking something like food etc from Local
people or anybody other than Allah etc),
Rather you should not present your need to
any human being in a way that he should give something. This is also a kind of Sawal.
(Translator :Jamaat will
prepare its own food etc will not ask anything from local. Although if someone
from local want to invite for food then it is different thing.)
b. To
save yourself from Ishraf
(Ishraf can be exampled as not
telling something from tongue but in heart it is coming that locals should give
us food etc, or any similar things.)
It is Sawal of heart in place of Sawal
of tongue.
To save yourself from Israf
[Spending money as immoderate (Lavish/wasteful/extravagant/unnecessary
This is an unwanted act all the time even
being at home but in the path of Allah it affects other members of Jamaat also.
d. You
should not use others belongings without the prior permission of its owner.
(even belongings of your fellow in jamaat).
Sometimes it troubles the owner and islamically it is Haram. Although there is
no harm in using it after taking permission from the owner.
a. No Discussion on The Differences of Islamic
Jurisprudence among Scholars (Translator :These are the domain of scholars only,
general public should not come into it.)
b. No Discussion of Political affairs and to avoid any
c. No criticism and discussion on other Muslims Religious
groups /individuals/ organization/ Movement.
d. No discussion on on La Yaani (Unnecessary useless talk having no benefit for this
world and life hereafter etc..
unavoidable work to do but not more than requirement (Basic necessities)
There are four unavoidable work. We have to engage in it but
should not attend more than the requirement. These are
and drinking
bath and nature calls
talk with each other.
(Translator: These are unavoidable necessities. We should give
them as much time as required. Time should not be wasted other than
requirement. For e.g normally six hour sleep is enough for a person.)
with the above discussion we have understood Tablighi jamaat evolution its
development and its methodology of dawah work. Now I want to analyze its
positive or negative impact of Dawah effort of Tablighi jamaat on the world.
to my views that is based on
My eyewitness
account in countries of North Africa, Morocco, Algeria Tunisia and Libya.
I have also
personally observed it in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and United Kingdom
I have heard from
other sources about impact of dawah in America and Indian subcontinent (India
Pakistan Bangladesh).
I have personally
observed in countries of Middle East.
effect of Dawat o Tabligh efforts are following.
Establishment of Salat
with Khushu and Khuzu
The adoption of Sunnah
and Islamic Identity i.e Hijab for women,beard and Islamic dressing
among men.
The removal and
repulsion from Polysthetic customs and rituals in words and action
· To attend the meeting of Tawheed and Kitab o
I visit the North Arica and address the Islamic gatherings these people travel
from one cities to others to attend my classes and lectures. And Alhamdulillah
it is the character of my talk that it remains filled with the beliefs of Slafus
salehin and open onslaught against Shirk and Bidah.
is the situation in North Africa
far as Europe is concerned, the impact of Tablighi Jamaat is very encouraging.
Its Islamic call has spreaded among Muslims extensively, the mosques has been
built, the beard and Sunnah Islamic dress has increased. There are clear
and visible impacts of goodness that can be denied only by those who don’t have
proper information or denying due to some sectarianism/group affiliation.
long period has passed since Muslims were not able to express their Muslim
identity in America and Europe, they were leaving Prayers in congregation and
their dress and culture was merely a copying, losing their Islamic Identity.
Tablighi Jamaat has reached to the Muslims
of these countries and has contributed immensely in bringing back to the
Islamic faith, Prayers and other commands of Allah. All these are being done
with peace and tranquility, avoiding any conflict, controversy or arms and
Indian Subcontinent
effect is very remarkable in India and Pakistan. Muslims are returning to
Islamic fold. The situation was so grim sometimes back as many muslims became Murtad
(The revival of Tablighi Jamaat was
itself in the backdrop of mass conversion of Muslims to shirk and Kufr in the
area of Mewat (Haryana, India).
understand the reach of tablighi jamaat it is enough to mention that several lakhs
of people attend the Ijtamaat (Translator:Estimated participant to be 3-4 millions
at some Ijtamaat) organized by Tablighi Jamaat (In Bangladesh,
Pakistan and India) and its effects are amazing. After these Ijtamaat lakhs
of people go in the path of A llah
around the world.
And in The Middle East
good effect of Tablighi jamaat is far and wide in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanan, Yeman and all other gulf countries.
Uncountable people who have been Ghafil and away from the Allah remembrance,
involved in reckless activities have turned towards Islam and the way of Kitab
o Sunnat .
These all are not secret for those
who are involved in the field of Dawah and Reformation.These were the Positive
words about Tablighi Jamaat.
on Criticism & Ashkaalat
Tablighi Jamaat
My Approach for dealing the issue of
far as words of criticism and Ashkals are concerned I will note down
them in the words of those who opposes Tablighi Jamaat. By the will of Allah
Afterwards I will discuss these objections in the light of truth in a manner
that I will not care the pleasure or displeasure of any individual or group. As
my aim is only the pleasure of Allah, and I pray to Allah for acceptance and to
save me from his displeasure and Allah is most beneficent and merciful.
The critical points presented against Tablighi Jamaat.
The criticizers say
Jamaat remain distant from politics and does not voice demand of implementation
of Shariah Rule by government in countries where shariah is not
established and by this way making the Muslims dead. The criticizer says that Tablighi
Jamaat is making muslims dead as it is not cultivating the spirit of Jehad.
clarify it.
clarify the truth in this matter that actually Tablighi Jamaat is making the
Muslims full lively and it is not making dead by any criteria.
1. Without any doubt a person who leaves his home and
sacrifices his life and wealth in the path of Allah comes out for inviting to Islam
is definitely is completely live and not a dead. This was the first point and
2. Now the second point.
If the purpose of the Shariah law is Allah to
be worshiped alone, following the commands of Allah and path of Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, the Tablighi Jamaat Dawah is exactly the same, calling Allah obedience and to follow the way of His
Messenger sallallahu alihi wasallam in all walk of life. So they are not
negligent to the implementation shariah although the want to achieve it without
a confrontation and fighting.
3. Third Point
Those who are criticizing Tablighi Jamaat for being distant from politics and are
themselves active in politics. Have they achieved any remarkable result in
countries for implementing Shariah Law. Oh no! It has not happened……… So
those who are criticizing tableeghi is actually talking about a negative
approach. Tablighi Jamaat dawah is positive dawah and all sensible people will
agree that positive approach is a good approach. That’s why I request our
brothers to avoid criticizing Tablighi jamaat. They should be fearfull to Allah
that they may be counted among those who block from path of Allah. This is not
a good situation.
we will describe the frequently raised criticism against it by criticizers
point wise. We will explain the truth in all this matter.
No 1.
call of Tablighi Jamaat is call of Tasawwuf (Mysticism) ?
is the meaning of Tasawwuf?)
Tasawwuf is considered the pledge of allegiance to a Mystical order, like, Tejani, Rafaee
etc and if it is based on having special sectarian fraternity among themselves
and to defend every right and wrong of the group or to go behind a particular educator,
or having hostility for others.
we have not seen any of these in the Tablighi Jamaat. We have not seen these
trends among Tablighi jamaat, neither in North Africa nor in Europe or in the
Middle East. And we heard not heard about it in America.
if any individual with a Tasawwuf link is present in Tablighi Jamaat then it is
not a surprise. As the evolution of Tablighi Jamaat has been from Indian subcontinent
where many Tasawwuf order is present.
Egypt Today seventy Tasawwuf orders are active, and have a higher council to
organize them. Is there any Obstacle or Harm to Islamic Movements has reached from
these orders?
I accept that Maulana Ilyas Rahimullah was a Soofee and his
successor Maulana Inamul Hasan Rahimullah
was a soofee. Still the words deed belief and methodology of Tablighi
Jamaat is free from any objectionable attributes and activities of Tasawwuf
whatsoever. Allah is the witness that
there is nothing objectionable or embarrassing in its dawah. Oh my religious brothers
take a call of truth and intelligence. May Allah guide you and me? (Ameen).
Criticism No 2
people allege that leader of Tablighi Jamaat take the pledge of allegiance to a
Soofi order."
Note: It is 100% false rumor you can confirm the falsehood of this baseless
allegation by
1. Staying for few days at Nizamuddin/Raiwind/Any
Markaz in any country or
2. Going in Jamaat for some times or 3. Attending any
big ijtema or
4. By any detective intelligence method of your
the pledge of allegiance is only for the imam of the Muslims (Muslim khaleefah),
and if one swore allegiance to the Khaleefah and then left him to pay
allegiance to other necessitate his killing. And it is proved from Sunnah.
regard to taking intention and commitment from any Muslim that he will adhere
to obey the commands of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, then there is nothing wrong in it. If anyone is claiming this
practice as pledge of allegiance on Tasawwuf then he is either an
ignorant, or with any wrong intention, motive or simply confused.
system of Tablighi Jamat that we have already discussed before has nothing like
pledge of allegiance or any call to attach a particular Person (Translator’s Note: There is no call to attach any
leader or Ameer of Jamaat. Right from Beginning Maulana Ilyas was
careful about it. He even discouraged to take his name for the introduction of
the effort).
if we accept the possibility that in Indian subcontinent some of the elders of
Tablighi Jamaat is connected and prpagating any chain of Tasawwuf like Qadiri
,Naqshbandi etc and they secretly present it on certain people. Then
whatsoever right or wrong they are doing they are personally responsible for
their action. The Reward and sin of any action will be on that fellow and not
on effort of dawah and also not on other leaders attached with Tablighi Jamaat.
The system of Tablighi Jamaat has no option of any wrong on any name. The brothers
involved in Tablighi effort give Dawah strictly on the core of Islam that is
the methodology of Tablighi Jamaat. There is no observation or proof that they
are calling anyone to any sub ideology or anything away from its set
methodology of Dawah o Tabligh.
this connection after knowing these facts, truth and ground realities still if
someone condemn Tablghi jamaat on this account it is a clear oppression and a
Muslim should be fearful to Allah for making any cruelty or repression on
Criticism No 3.
is said that those who become involved in Dawah effort of Tablighi Jamaat, the
worker of Tabligh change them from head to toe. From belief to action and behavior
they make the change visible in every walk of life.
This is true. Tablighi jamaat call to Allah has astonishing effect and
whosoever joins dawat ilallah is guided in a very effective way. If
the person is weak in Emaan (Faith/Aqeedah) his faith become strong. If he is
involved in superstition and Polytheistic practice he become strong in
monotheism (Tawheed), from corruption to Salah, from negligent to deen and
he become obedient to Allah. If a person is ill mannered he become well
mannered. If he is materialistic become spiritual. If he has forgotten Allah he
starts doing Remembrance of Allah. These are the changes the effort of Dawah
with Tablighi Jamaat brings in great majority of individuals who joins them.
if someone is telling that by the way Tablighi Jamaat is doing contrary. If someone
is alleging that it is changing from monotheism (Tawheed) to superstition and
Polytheistic practices, from correction to anarchy, from being obedient to
negligent from worshipfulness to sins. Then I witness Allah that I have never
seen it and no one else has reported it.
it is possible that by the way you may see a person with something against
these good but this will be an exception. And exception should not be treated
as rule. And by seeing such an exception anyone should not blame the whole
Jamaat with his wrong.
O the claimant of truth please select the path of truth for yourself, Please
have fear of Allah and don’t do
propaganda to make the slaves of Allah confused. This may be counted as the
obstacle in the path of Allah. May Allah save us all these evils.
Point No 4
criticizer claim " Tablighi Jamaat has put six qualities instead of the
five basic principles of Islam and six pillars of faith."
By Allah it is worst
kind of false allegation and ill thought. (I am asking a question.) Does
making a Study curriculum for learning Islam or study programme and to
concentrate on it will be considered as anti Islamic or changing the basic
principle of Islam? Does a Dawah whose basic principle is to have
believe on Allah, on life after death, to be answerable to Allah, day of judgment,
establishing salah (Prayer) is to be accused of changing the Five pillars of
Islam or six articles of Emaan (Faith /Aqeedah). There call is for fulfilling
the rights of creation of Allah and correction of intention.
Slaves of Allah, Those who are alleging on Tablighi Jamaat of changing the
pillars of Islam is telling worst kind of lies, and accusation. (I
am also surprised that) How a
person who is claiming to have connection with salafus salehin and
following of right path can accept these made up lies.
Point No 5
criticizer claim “The people associated with Tablighi Jamaat are against Dawat
e Salfiyaah and enemy of its leaders. "
thing it is to be explained what is dawat e Salfiyyah and where is it?
the same time I accept that there is a possibility of some rigid scholars who
have not undertook the proper study of kitab o sunnat, or have some
personal agenda, having distrust suspicion and jealousy for Salafi
people and have ill will against Sheikhan e Islam Imam Ahmad Ibne
Taimmiya and Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab.
is a possibility that these sort of people might join Tablighi Jamaat as its
door is open for all and they don’t indulge in any sort of argumentation and debate.
Any person who joins Tablighi Jamaat is left to be corrected by the effort of
Dawat o Tabligh, instead of creating any confrontation. This method is a viable
option and is lawful.
if someone is complaining in general that Tablighi Jamaat is the enemy of Salafi
People and their leaders then it is a
pure lie and a kind of tyranny. This is a very dangerous Buhtan. It is
not permitted for any muslim to do false allegation.
swear to Allah that I know Tablighi Jamaat people and they have been consistently
attending my religious talks in the west and the east and I have never heard
anything from them to suspect that they are against the callers of Tawheed and their leaders. Rather it is strange that
many of them complain to me that their relatives misunderstand them and consider
them as Wahabi.
is to be clarified to my brothers in emaan that whosoever badmouth for the
callers of tawheed and their leaders we never like them. We don’t have any
consideration for these people and we
also don’t remain silent on it although we don’t become overpowered by anger
and don’t attribute any claim that they have not done. As doing unjust to
anyone is Haram.
Whatever I have written that does
not mean that no one in the east and west has any enmity with Salafi People.
Rather (the truth is) those who hate the salafis are more in numbers than those
who love them. And I clear tablighi jamaat with Wallah o aleemun
bezatissudoor……….It is Allah who knows the secrets of the heart.
Point 6
criticizer claim that Tablighi Jamaat deny Jihad, and understand that situation
of todays Muslims is Like situation of Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
and his companions in Makkah before the migration."
is no substance in denunciation and criticism on Tablighi Jamaat on the said
issue. All those intellectual and far sighted people who are aware of Religious
condition of Muslim in general and current trends, Problems and events in
Muslim countries will have same opinion.
ask a question) Those who are making loud voices for Jihad and criticizing the
Scholars in general (For sitting and not participating in arm Jihad). They
should tell us how many countries they have liberated? How many battle they
have fought? And in how many countries have established the Islamic Rule?
maximum that can be said “As Tablighi Jamaat is busy with Dawat o Tabligh
effort so they have not called people for war in Jihad.
it is being suggested that there should be correction of Muslims in terms of
Faith, worship and manners before war in Jihad then there is nothing wrong in
it. And this thinking is not special in Tablighi Jamaat and they should not be
criticized as isolated case.
No 7
Jamaat does not forbid evil vigorously”.
Note: Stopping evils, Bidats and shirk from individual and society is important
objective of Tablighi Jamaat But their approach is soft. Tablighi Jamaat methodology of has very strong support
in Quran and Hadith. When Allah (SWT)
sent Sayyidina Musa (AS) to Fir'aun he was commanded
فَقُولاَ لَهُ قَوْلاً لَيِّنًا لَعَلَّهُ يَتَذَكَّرُ أَوْ يَخْشَى (طه: 44
فَقُولاَ لَهُ قَوْلاً لَيِّنًا لَعَلَّهُ يَتَذَكَّرُ أَوْ يَخْشَى (طه: 44
So speak to him in soft words. May be, he accepts the advice or fears (Allah).
Muslim group/Person is as bad as Firaun (Pharao) and no Daee/person who has
come for correction is as good as Sayyidina Musa (AS) who was a prophet.)
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنْ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ (آل عمران: 159).
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنْ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ (آل عمران: 159).
So, (O Prophet) it is through mercy from Allah that you are gentle to them. Had
you been rough and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you...
Umar Palanpuri Rahimullah of Markaz Nizamuddin while replying the same question
in the gathering of the shuyukhs and
scholars of Madenah Munawwara at the house of sheikh Hammad ibne Muhammad Al
Ansari (As told by Sheikh Khalilur Rahman in his recorded urdu speech
personally given by the son of sheikh umar Palanpuri to the translator)
said that we are not claiming this to be only method neither we object to those
who are adopting harsh Methodology against Bidat o Shirk. We simply say it is
our Methodology against Bidat and Shirk. Translator)
Tablighi Jamaat approach has been explained and it does not include open
criticism and direct condemnation on evil as its basic principles.
is for two reasons.
In our society carelessness and unawareness has override sins and immorality. Sins
and evils are so rampant that people are not considering sins as sins. In this
condition mere condemnation and denunciation is not likely to work and this is
a reality and any insightful person will not deny it.
Jamaat has a programme of taking people involved in sins in Khurooj. By
this way the person will leave the evil environment, evil company and society.
And in khurooj he will remain in good environment in the mosques in the company
of good people. This good environment
actually cures the person and it is a well proved Result that in this
environment within a short period of time he leaves sins. In many cases he
starts strong disliking and has an aversion to sins.
approach is more effective than lecturing for good or condemning bad for a
person or society that is by and large heedless.
Another thing is:
criticizers of Tablighi Jamaat has done any organized effort to stop evil. And
the answer and the prevailing condition is well known. Those who are criticizing Tablighi Jamaat they are
also not doing any harsh concrete step to stop evil. May Alllah Pardon me and
all Muslims for neglecting Nahi Anil Munkar (Forbade evils).
No 8
Tablighi Jamaat are bigoted prejudiced Hanafi.
if we consider the claim true) Is this a Character of Tablighi Jamaat or Is it
special about Tablighi Jamaat? Oh no!
observer of affairs of Muslim Ummah cannot deny the fact that the Muslims
associated with different school of jurisprudence like Shafi'i Maliki Hanbali
and other School of jurisprudence are Partisan for their respective Fiqh and not
spared from this intolerance, only those who have recognized the true character
of right path (Islam) and has abandoned sectarianism and ideological
intolerance. And these good people have adopted the Islamic path after finding
it. But the proportion of people (free from groupism) among Muslim ummah
and the Islamic nation is one to a
thousand or even less.
cursing Tablighi Jamaat people alone for Hanafi intolerance when all
jurisprudence people are involved in this partisan.
In Tablighi Jamaat there are Hanafi, Maliki,
Shafi'i, Hanbali, so this criticism cannot be tagged with tablighi jamaat. What
has happened to these criticizers who do not understand this so clear matter?
The activities and areas of work of tablighi jamaat is spread from North Africa to West Africa in
Europe, America, in the Middle East. There is a not a single evidence from
anywhere to prove that they called a particular Maslak, Jurisprudence school or
sub ideology doctrine. There Dawah is limited to strengthening faith (Emaan/Aqeedah)
and the manifestation of strength of Emaan should be exemplified by actions
that please Allah. They should obey the command of Allah and should leave the
sins. It is there that in salat they (Tabligh
brothers from Indian subcontinent) follow
them (Hanafi school of jurisprudence). But they never call anyone towards it (Hanafi School of jurisprudence).
it is known to all that Muslims associated with Tablighi Jamaat are receptive
to the truth faster and they follow the Kitab o sunnat very eagerly.
Point 9
is said “That Tablighi Jamaat deny Tawheed in the worship ”
Nauzubillah How false an allegation is? May Allah pardon all of us.)
is Right that some of them do not separately classify the Tawheed al Ibadah
(One of the three types of Tawheed classified by scholars), but they do not do
anything contrary to it. They never call towards any sort of worship for anyone
other than Allah, in Dua, Sacrificial slaughtering, In Nazr o Neyaz
(vow) or in hope and fear as the condition of misguided people. (They call only
towards Allah).
As far as the correct understanding of Tawheed
al Ibadah is concerned, the deficiency among the muslim ummah is very
rampant. If they would have been having correct understanding of it they would
not have worshiped the people in grave, no vow and swear on their name, no
animal sacrifice on their name.
it is our duty to educate the Muslim ummah and general muslim mass instead of
playing the blame game.
Point : 10
is said "The impact of Tablighi Jamaat is not limited to disobedient and
sinful people," but even those who are already religious and pious people
also get impressed and take counsel and effect from their effort. And Tablighi
people divert people with Salafi orientation towards the dry methodology
of Tabligh that is based on innovation and heresy.
this criticism, there is a recognition and acceptance that Tablighi jamaat has
an impact on sinful people and they start obeying the commands of Allah and
path of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is a good gesture and sign
and this is a reflection of facts and ground realities. Blessing and greetings
should be on the person who effort is made means of guidance by Allah for any
disobedient and sinful slave.
As far as the second recognition
about its influence on religious and pious people. Their acceptance to the call
of Tablighi jamaat is very significant. That means that by the effect of
Tablighi Jamaat pious people not remain confined or satisfied with their self
reformation/guidance Rather they become keen for hidayat/bringing good for
fellow muslim brothers. So it is also a good Result.
Sacrifice of time, life and wealth
is needed for reformation and nurturing of general Muslims mass which are in large
number. And sacrifice is not always easy thing. The Proportion of seekers (Taalib)
compared to Scholars (well learned) is much greater in Tablighi jamaat.
this context I will tell a fact with sorrow and grief that many people who are
actually not ready for sacrifice of their life and wealth for the correction
and nurturing of fellow humanity, they start doing opposition to Tablighi Jamaat.
Point : 11
is alleged “Tablighi Jamaat people do Innovations as they go out in khurooj in
groups, and they go for 3 day 40 days and 4 month for Dawah”
is no doubt that to go out for effort of Dawah in the path of Allah for
reformation and correction is akin to going out to seek knowledge and guidance.
Going out and inviting people to Allah and to teach them what will benefit them
in this world and life Hereafter (Akhirah).
all will come under the ambit of Khurooj fi sabilillah if
These are done
with Ikhlas (Sincerity of intention), to please Almighty Allah.
There should be
no intention of gaining wealth, Fame, position, job or status.
There should also
be no involvement in Fun, amusement or unlawful activities.
who are denying the khurooj of Tablighi Jamaat for Dawah, Reformation of self
and Tazkiya are either ignorant to Islamic Knowledge or trying to posing as cleverly/smartly
unknown (Tajahil e Arifna) after knowing all truth.
Prophet, peace be upon him says:
be in path of Allah for one morning or one evening is better than whole world
and whatever in it.”
report from prophet is
comes to mosque with intention to either learn or to teach any good then he is
Mujahid Fi sabilillah (Those who strive in the path of Allah). Similarly
Sahih and Hasan Hadith has encouraged for the path of Allah, and the call has been
given for Fi sabilillah .
o People, After all these clarity should it be claimed that Khurooj of tablighi
jamaat is Bidah or heresy?
more shocking is the case of those who claim to go in groups is an innovation
and they give proof that Prophet sallallahu Alaihi wasallam has sent
Hazrat Maadh Raziallahu Anhu to Yaman alone and it was not sent as
people either forget or don’t have knowledge that Prophet has sent some 70
Sahaba or even more for education of Muslims. And they also forget that even
Hazrat Maadh Raziallhu Anhu was not sent alone but Hazrat Abu Moosa
Asharee Raziallahu Anhu accompanied him and said to both of them
things easy and do not involve people in difficulties; give them happy news and
do not inspire aversion in them.”
he has sent Hazrat Ali Raziallahu Anhu and Hazrat Khalid bin Saeed
al-Aas Raziallahu Anhu for teaching and guiding, and to do justice
according to Quran and sunnah and a large group of sahaba accompanied them.
second claim of innovation is fixing days for Khurooj fi sabilillah. They do
not know (simple facts)
· That this is merely a system.
· It is like any system of deen like Madaris
(Islamic School) and Islamic universities.In universities the days of teaching
and vacation are fixed so that people will be well aware about schedule and
their engagements.
In this system of
Dawah (of Tablighi jamaat) days are fixed so that people will make their
arrangement for food and travel, to take leave for those days from their
engagements (From offices or business etc).
after all these facts Is it Bidah to fix some days for Khurooj fi sabilillah?
Nallah For these Brothers ( The
criticisers of Dawah work of Tablighi Jamaat) these couplets of Arabic Poet is
the eyes of friendship even the faults are not perceived as faults
the eyes of anger and hatred even small things are perceived as Major Faults.
my brother why are so bitter having hatred for Tablighi Jamaat? Are you
becoming angry on such slaves of Allah who are calling people towards Allah.
And by this action he wants to have the pleasure of Allah for himself and his
fellow brothers. They are striving for their rectification, purification of
heart and developing Islamic etiquettes.
: 11
are also alleging other things…. this and this ….and this and that……………
May Allah save us from those sentences,
(Rumors and Allegations) against Dawat o Tabligh which may be regarded as
obstruction in the Path of Allah and obstruction in Juhad fiddeen
(Effort of Deen). Only those will be saved whom Allah want to save.
those readers who wants to know the truth, the guided path and are free from
corrupted objectives, False assumptions, I want to clear That I myself is not
associated with Tablighi Jamaat and I have not gone formally with them for even
a single day following their schedule.
But it is not because for errors in Tablighi
Rather the reason
that is obstructing for my participation is my inability for that much
sacrifice of Wealth and time and bearing the difficulties in the path of Allah that
they bear.
the mistakes of tablighi jamaat are concerned they cannot be obstruction for me
to participate in it and to give them good advice and counsel for matters they
might not aware as .
Firstly these perceived
errors are very less and there assumed wrong result is still lesser or
No one is free
from errors? Is there anyone among human who is free from errors. Except the
Prophet Alihissalam as they are Masoom (Always free from sins and
I limit myself for
Intending good
for them
If I see any
error /mistake in them I do its correction Advice and counsel.
I save my tongue
from exposing criticizing or alleging them.
So that I must
not be counted among those who are obstructing the effort of Dawah and from
Path of Allah.
some of my brothers May Allah guide them. When they are not able to do the
level of sacrifices and bearing difficulties as Tablighi Jamaat people do then
Start criticizing
They make
allegation on them
They spread
rumors against them to defame them
They develop
doubts and confusion in the minds of others about them.
they should not do this.
seek help from Allah .May Allah bless Darood o Salam on Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and upon his family and companions.
Bakr Jabir Aljazaeri