Compilation of 'Fazaail A'amaal'
The entire kitaab which is famous by 'Tableeghi Nisaab' or
'Fazaail A'amaal' was not exactly planned out by Sheikhul Hadeeth R A, Each
section is a separate book which was written by Sheikhul Hadeeth R A at
different times on requests from different people. The elders of the Tableegh
Jamaat selecled this book for the deeni-religious- education and reformation of
those going out in the path of Allaah.
Thal is why some
publishers prinled it with the title
'Tableeghi Nisaab'. This title lasted for a long lime.
Later afler ....onsidering the actual subject mauer, it was
printed as 'Fazaail A'amaal'.
Details of each kitaab
1) fazaail Quraan
majeed: Writing of this book started in the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah 1348
A.H and was completed on the 29 Dhul-Hijjah 1348 A.H. It was written on the
request of Shah Yaseen Sahib Nageenwi R A, who was the Khalifah of Hadhral
Moulana Rasheed Ahmed Ganghohi R A
2) Fazaail Ramadaan: This book was written
on the request of Hadhrat's uncle, Moulana Muhammed ilyaas R A, founder of the
Tableegh Jamaat. Hadhrat R A began writing in Ramadaan 1349 (A.H) and completed
it on the 27 Ramadaan.
Fazaail Tableegh: This was also written on the request of Hadhrat
Moulana Muhammed ilyaas R A It was completed on the 5 Safar 1350 (A.H). It was
written in a few day.
4) Stories ofthe Sahabah R A: In Safar
1357 (A.H) during a journey to Ajrarah, in Meerat, Hadhrat R A suffered severe
blistering. These blisters burst and for almost two hours blood flowed
continuously. Doctor.; advised against any mentally strenuous activities for
the next few months. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Qaadir Raaipuri R A had been appealing
to Hadhrat R A.
the past four years to write a book on stories of the Sahabah. Sheikhul Hadeeth
R A said " I took this sickness as a blessing. in fulfillment Moulana's
wishes, while resting; I began to write until I finished on the 12 Shawwaal
135' (A.H).
(Some writer has spreaded a false rumour that Fazail e Amaal was written when writer was mentaly sick. They mischievously present the above disease and fact to support their false claim. It was Nakseer (Blistering) and not any mental disease and only Stories of Sahaba was collected in this period. May Allah give hidayat to these people who are making false propaganda. )
5) Fazaail Namaaz: This was also
written in fulfillment of Moulana Muhammed llyaas's R A wishes. It was
completed on 7 Muharram 1358 (A.H).
6) Fazaail Dhikr: This was also written
on the request of MouJana Muhammed ilyaas R A. It was completed on Friday 26
Shawwaal1358 (A.H).
7) Fazaail Hajj: This was written on
the earnest appeal of Hadhratjee Moulana Muhammed Yusuf R A Writing began on 3
Shawwaal 1366 A.H and completed on 14 Jamaadal oowla1367 A.H. The Kitaab was
written while residing in Markaz Nizaamudien.
riots which had broke out in 1947 detained Hadhrat R A in Nizaamudien for four
months. Sheikhul Hadeeth R A said "The book itself was completed in
Shawwaal but a few naratives were added on my return to Saharanpur." The
acceptance and benefits of this kitaab are numerous; Sheikhul Hadeeth R A said
"Thousands of letters have reached me that due to this kitaab, Hajj and Ziyaarat
was made more pleasurable.
8) Fazaail Sadaqaat: Moulana Muhammed
ilyaas R A with great emphasis requested two more kitaabs to be written,
Fazaail zakaat and Fazaail Tijaarat. In accordance with Moulana's wishes.
Sheikhul Hadeeth R A began writing Fazaail Sadaqaat in Markaz Nizaamudien. This
was completed on the 22 Safar 1368 A.H in Saharanpur.
9) Fazaail Durood: This was Hadhrat
Sheikh's R A last book written on fazaail. This was also written on the request
of Sheikh Yaseen Sahib Nageenwi R A. Shah Sahib R A passed away on 30 Shawwaal
1360 A.H but made a waseeyat-bequest- that Hadhrat Sheikh R A should still
complete writing this kitaab. SheikhuI Hadeeth R A said "My own misdeeds
did not afford me the opportunity, but while in Madinah in 1383 A.H a dire need
to write this kitaab began. On my return still I postponed it. Finally on the
25 Ramadaan 1384 A.H I began and after continuous writing completed it on 6
Dhul-Hijjah 1384 A.H." (Aap Beti vol2 page/78)
is no need to describe how AIlaah Ta'ala has accepted these works. Supporters
and critics alike are forced to admit, that no other worldly book by any
author is read as much as the book under
The way of the world is such that stones are
thrown at every fruit laden tree, the sun with all its radiance lights up the
entire world yet its scorching temperatures cannot be endured. In this manner,
many factions have raised objections on this book and expressed their
disapproval. I am not denying the fact that besides the book of AlIaah,and
words of Prophet no other book in this
world is free from fault. Many great scholars might have erred in some way or
the other but these errors pale in comparison to the multitude of good that
their works entail and neither did any faction pay much heed to these errors.